Articles - 3ekh mentioned but not cited (3)
- Crystal structures of the GCaMP calcium sensor reveal the mechanism of fluorescence signal change and aid rational design. Akerboom J, Rivera JD, Guilbe MM, Malavé EC, Hernandez HH, Tian L, Hires SA, Marvin JS, Looger LL, Schreiter ER. J Biol Chem 284 6455-6464 (2009)
- Impact of mutations on the allosteric conformational equilibrium. Weinkam P, Chen YC, Pons J, Sali A. J Mol Biol 425 647-661 (2013)
- Self-association of a highly charged arginine-rich cell-penetrating peptide. Tesei G, Vazdar M, Jensen MR, Cragnell C, Mason PE, Heyda J, Skepö M, Jungwirth P, Lund M. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 114 11428-11433 (2017)
Reviews citing this publication (44)
- The Growing and Glowing Toolbox of Fluorescent and Photoactive Proteins. Rodriguez EA, Campbell RE, Lin JY, Lin MZ, Miyawaki A, Palmer AE, Shu X, Zhang J, Tsien RY. Trends Biochem Sci 42 111-129 (2017)
- Genetically encodable fluorescent biosensors for tracking signaling dynamics in living cells. Newman RH, Fosbrink MD, Zhang J. Chem Rev 111 3614-3666 (2011)
- Genetically encoded biosensors based on engineered fluorescent proteins. Frommer WB, Davidson MW, Campbell RE. Chem Soc Rev 38 2833-2841 (2009)
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- Design and application of genetically encoded biosensors. Palmer AE, Qin Y, Park JG, McCombs JE. Trends Biotechnol 29 144-152 (2011)
- Quantitative imaging with fluorescent biosensors. Okumoto S, Jones A, Frommer WB. Annu Rev Plant Biol 63 663-706 (2012)
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