3k5o Citations

Structural insight into translesion synthesis by DNA Pol II.

Cell 139 1279-89 (2009)
Related entries: 3k57, 3k58, 3k59, 3k5l, 3k5m, 3k5n, 3maq

Cited: 78 times
EuropePMC logo PMID: 20064374


E. coli DNA Pol II and eukaryotic Rev3 are B-family polymerases that can extend primers past a damaged or mismatched site when the high-fidelity replicative polymerases in the same family are ineffective. We report here the biochemical and structural properties of DNA Pol II that facilitate this translesion synthesis. DNA Pol II can extend primers past lesions either directly or by template skipping, in which small protein cavities outside of the active site accommodate looped-out template nucleotides 1 or 2 bp upstream. Because of multiple looping-out alternatives, mutation spectra of bypass synthesis are complicated. Moreover, translesion synthesis is enhanced by altered partitioning of DNA substrate between the polymerase active site and the proofreading exonuclease site. Compared to the replicative B family polymerases, DNA Pol II has subtle amino acid changes remote from the active site that allow it to replicate normal DNA with high efficiency yet conduct translesion synthesis when needed.

Reviews - 3k5o mentioned but not cited (2)

Articles - 3k5o mentioned but not cited (3)

  1. Structural insight into translesion synthesis by DNA Pol II. Wang F, Yang W. Cell 139 1279-1289 (2009)
  2. Translesion DNA Synthesis. Vaisman A, McDonald JP, Woodgate R. EcoSal Plus 5 (2012)
  3. An archaeal family-B DNA polymerase variant able to replicate past DNA damage: occurrence of replicative and translesion synthesis polymerases within the B family. Jozwiakowski SK, Keith BJ, Gilroy L, Doherty AJ, Connolly BA. Nucleic Acids Res 42 9949-9963 (2014)

Reviews citing this publication (13)

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  3. An overview of Y-Family DNA polymerases and a case study of human DNA polymerase η. Yang W. Biochemistry 53 2793-2803 (2014)
  4. Translesion DNA synthesis and mutagenesis in prokaryotes. Fuchs RP, Fujii S. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 5 a012682 (2013)
  5. DNA replication fidelity in Escherichia coli: a multi-DNA polymerase affair. Fijalkowska IJ, Schaaper RM, Jonczyk P. FEMS Microbiol Rev 36 1105-1121 (2012)
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  7. Fidelity of DNA replication-a matter of proofreading. Bębenek A, Ziuzia-Graczyk I. Curr Genet 64 985-996 (2018)
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  9. Specialised DNA polymerases in Escherichia coli: roles within multiple pathways. Henrikus SS, van Oijen AM, Robinson A. Curr Genet 64 1189-1196 (2018)
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  11. Structural insights into eukaryotic DNA replication. Doublié S, Zahn KE. Front Microbiol 5 444 (2014)
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