Reviews - 3lzf mentioned but not cited (2)
- Structural insights into key sites of vulnerability on HIV-1 Env and influenza HA. Julien JP, Lee PS, Wilson IA. Immunol Rev 250 180-198 (2012)
- Max Bergmann lecture protein epitope mimetics in the age of structural vaccinology. Robinson JA. J Pept Sci 19 127-140 (2013)
Articles - 3lzf mentioned but not cited (17)
- Broadly neutralizing human antibody that recognizes the receptor-binding pocket of influenza virus hemagglutinin. Whittle JR, Zhang R, Khurana S, King LR, Manischewitz J, Golding H, Dormitzer PR, Haynes BF, Walter EB, Moody MA, Kepler TB, Liao HX, Harrison SC. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 108 14216-14221 (2011)
- Reliable B cell epitope predictions: impacts of method development and improved benchmarking. Kringelum JV, Lundegaard C, Lund O, Nielsen M. PLoS Comput Biol 8 e1002829 (2012)
- The kinase mTOR modulates the antibody response to provide cross-protective immunity to lethal infection with influenza virus. Keating R, Hertz T, Wehenkel M, Harris TL, Edwards BA, McClaren JL, Brown SA, Surman S, Wilson ZS, Bradley P, Hurwitz J, Chi H, Doherty PC, Thomas PG, McGargill MA. Nat Immunol 14 1266-1276 (2013)
- Antigenic drift of the pandemic 2009 A(H1N1) influenza virus in A ferret model. Guarnaccia T, Carolan LA, Maurer-Stroh S, Lee RT, Job E, Reading PC, Petrie S, McCaw JM, McVernon J, Hurt AC, Kelso A, Mosse J, Barr IG, Laurie KL. PLoS Pathog 9 e1003354 (2013)
- An insertion mutation that distorts antibody binding site architecture enhances function of a human antibody. Krause JC, Ekiert DC, Tumpey TM, Smith PB, Wilson IA, Crowe JE. mBio 2 e00345-10 (2011)
- Molecular dynamics analysis of antibody recognition and escape by human H1N1 influenza hemagglutinin. Ieong P, Amaro RE, Li WW. Biophys J 108 2704-2712 (2015)
- Understanding differences between synthetic and natural antibodies can help improve antibody engineering. Burkovitz A, Ofran Y. MAbs 8 278-287 (2016)
- Unique Structural Features of Influenza Virus H15 Hemagglutinin. Tzarum N, McBride R, Nycholat CM, Peng W, Paulson JC, Wilson IA. J Virol 91 e00046-17 (2017)
- Large-scale analysis of B-cell epitopes on influenza virus hemagglutinin - implications for cross-reactivity of neutralizing antibodies. Sun J, Kudahl UJ, Simon C, Cao Z, Reinherz EL, Brusic V. Front Immunol 5 38 (2014)
- A complete, multi-level conformational clustering of antibody complementarity-determining regions. Nikoloudis D, Pitts JE, Saldanha JW. PeerJ 2 e456 (2014)
- In silico structural homology modelling and docking for assessment of pandemic potential of a novel H7N9 influenza virus and its ability to be neutralized by existing anti-hemagglutinin antibodies. Rajapaksha H, Petrovsky N. PLoS One 9 e102618 (2014)
- HASP server: a database and structural visualization platform for comparative models of influenza A hemagglutinin proteins. Ambroggio XI, Dommer J, Gopalan V, Dunham EJ, Taubenberger JK, Hurt DE. BMC Bioinformatics 14 197 (2013)
- Functional Versatility of AGY Serine Codons in Immunoglobulin Variable Region Genes. Detanico T, Phillips M, Wysocki LJ. Front Immunol 7 525 (2016)
- Molecular-level simulation of pandemic influenza glycoproteins. Amaro RE, Li WW. Methods Mol Biol 819 575-594 (2012)
- The Analysis of B-Cell Epitopes of Influenza Virus Hemagglutinin. Shcherbinin DN, Alekseeva SV, Shmarov MM, Smirnov YA, Naroditskiy BS, Gintsburg AL. Acta Naturae 8 13-20 (2016)
- Antigen-Antibody docking reveals the molecular basis for cross-reactivity of the 1918 and 2009 Influenza A/H1N1 pandemic viruses. Cherian S, Shil P, Mishra AC. Bioinformation 6 35-38 (2011)
- Evaluation of AlphaFold 3's Protein-Protein Complexes for Predicting Binding Free Energy Changes upon Mutation. Wee J, Wei GW. J Chem Inf Model 64 6676-6683 (2024)
Reviews citing this publication (68)
- COVID-19 and the human innate immune system. Schultze JL, Aschenbrenner AC. Cell 184 1671-1692 (2021)
- Influenza A viruses: new research developments. Medina RA, García-Sastre A. Nat Rev Microbiol 9 590-603 (2011)
- Broadly neutralizing antibodies present new prospects to counter highly antigenically diverse viruses. Burton DR, Poignard P, Stanfield RL, Wilson IA. Science 337 183-186 (2012)
- Exploitation of glycosylation in enveloped virus pathobiology. Watanabe Y, Bowden TA, Wilson IA, Crispin M. Biochim Biophys Acta Gen Subj 1863 1480-1497 (2019)
- Comparative Review of SARS-CoV-2, SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV, and Influenza A Respiratory Viruses. Abdelrahman Z, Li M, Wang X. Front Immunol 11 552909 (2020)
- Continuing challenges in influenza. Webster RG, Govorkova EA. Ann N Y Acad Sci 1323 115-139 (2014)
- Virulence determinants of pandemic influenza viruses. Tscherne DM, García-Sastre A. J Clin Invest 121 6-13 (2011)
- Molecular basis of the structure and function of H1 hemagglutinin of influenza virus. Sriwilaijaroen N, Suzuki Y. Proc Jpn Acad Ser B Phys Biol Sci 88 226-249 (2012)
- Original Antigenic Sin: How First Exposure Shapes Lifelong Anti-Influenza Virus Immune Responses. Zhang A, Stacey HD, Mullarkey CE, Miller MS. J Immunol 202 335-340 (2019)
- Influenza vaccine immunology. Dormitzer PR, Galli G, Castellino F, Golding H, Khurana S, Del Giudice G, Rappuoli R. Immunol Rev 239 167-177 (2011)
- Two years after pandemic influenza A/2009/H1N1: what have we learned? Cheng VC, To KK, Tse H, Hung IF, Yuen KY. Clin Microbiol Rev 25 223-263 (2012)
- Influenza Hemagglutinin and Neuraminidase: Yin⁻Yang Proteins Coevolving to Thwart Immunity. Kosik I, Yewdell JW. Viruses 11 E346 (2019)
- M2e-Based Universal Influenza A Vaccines. Deng L, Cho KJ, Fiers W, Saelens X. Vaccines (Basel) 3 105-136 (2015)
- Current and future influenza vaccines. Yamayoshi S, Kawaoka Y. Nat Med 25 212-220 (2019)
- Transmission of influenza A viruses. Neumann G, Kawaoka Y. Virology 479-480 234-246 (2015)
- Tools to therapeutically harness the human antibody response. Wilson PC, Andrews SF. Nat Rev Immunol 12 709-719 (2012)
- Host Factors Impact Vaccine Efficacy: Implications for Seasonal and Universal Influenza Vaccine Programs. Dhakal S, Klein SL. J Virol 93 e00797-19 (2019)
- Structural characterization of viral epitopes recognized by broadly cross-reactive antibodies. Lee PS, Wilson IA. Curr Top Microbiol Immunol 386 323-341 (2015)
- Why do influenza virus subtypes die out? A hypothesis. Palese P, Wang TT. mBio 2 e00150-11 (2011)
- Structural insights into the design of novel anti-influenza therapies. Wu NC, Wilson IA. Nat Struct Mol Biol 25 115-121 (2018)
- Protective Antibodies Against Influenza Proteins. Padilla-Quirarte HO, Lopez-Guerrero DV, Gutierrez-Xicotencatl L, Esquivel-Guadarrama F. Front Immunol 10 1677 (2019)
- The first influenza pandemic of the new millennium. Neumann G, Kawaoka Y. Influenza Other Respir Viruses 5 157-166 (2011)
- Development of a Universal Influenza Vaccine. Estrada LD, Schultz-Cherry S. J Immunol 202 392-398 (2019)
- Principles of Broad and Potent Antiviral Human Antibodies: Insights for Vaccine Design. Crowe JE. Cell Host Microbe 22 193-206 (2017)
- Immunity to seasonal and pandemic influenza A viruses. Valkenburg SA, Rutigliano JA, Ellebedy AH, Doherty PC, Thomas PG, Kedzierska K. Microbes Infect 13 489-501 (2011)
- Targeting B cell responses in universal influenza vaccine design. Kaur K, Sullivan M, Wilson PC. Trends Immunol 32 524-531 (2011)
- N-linked glycosylation in the hemagglutinin of influenza A viruses. Kim JI, Park MS. Yonsei Med J 53 886-893 (2012)
- Capturing the dynamics of pathogens with many strains. Kucharski AJ, Andreasen V, Gog JR. J Math Biol 72 1-24 (2016)
- Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 virus revisited: an evolutionary retrospective. Christman MC, Kedwaii A, Xu J, Donis RO, Lu G. Infect Genet Evol 11 803-811 (2011)
- Preventing and treating secondary bacterial infections with antiviral agents. McCullers JA. Antivir Ther 16 123-135 (2011)
- Options and obstacles for designing a universal influenza vaccine. Jang YH, Seong BL. Viruses 6 3159-3180 (2014)
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- Human T Cell Memory: A Dynamic View. Macallan DC, Borghans JA, Asquith B. Vaccines (Basel) 5 E5 (2017)
- Reconstruction of the 1918 influenza virus: unexpected rewards from the past. Taubenberger JK, Baltimore D, Doherty PC, Markel H, Morens DM, Webster RG, Wilson IA. mBio 3 e00201-12 (2012)
- Receptor-binding domains of spike proteins of emerging or re-emerging viruses as targets for development of antiviral vaccines. Jiang S, Lu L, Liu Q, Xu W, Du L. Emerg Microbes Infect 1 e13 (2012)
- Mutations associated with severity of the pandemic influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 in humans: a systematic review and meta-analysis of epidemiological evidence. Goka EA, Vallely PJ, Mutton KJ, Klapper PE. Arch Virol 159 3167-3183 (2014)
- Influenza virus antigenicity and broadly neutralizing epitopes. Air GM. Curr Opin Virol 11 113-121 (2015)
- Prospects of HA-based universal influenza vaccine. Hashem AM. Biomed Res Int 2015 414637 (2015)
- Targeting the skin for microneedle delivery of influenza vaccine. Koutsonanos DG, Compans RW, Skountzou I. Adv Exp Med Biol 785 121-132 (2013)
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- Amplifying immunogenicity of prospective Covid-19 vaccines by glycoengineering the coronavirus glycan-shield to present α-gal epitopes. Galili U. Vaccine 38 6487-6499 (2020)
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- Epitope-focused vaccine design against influenza A and B viruses. Ren H, Zhou P. Curr Opin Immunol 42 83-90 (2016)
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- Predicting vaccine responsiveness. Boyd SD, Jackson KJL. Cell Host Microbe 17 301-307 (2015)
- Molecular basis of a pandemic of avian-type influenza virus. Sriwilaijaroen N, Suzuki Y. Methods Mol Biol 1200 447-480 (2014)
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- Site-specific glycan analysis of the SARS-CoV-2 spike. Watanabe Y, Allen JD, Wrapp D, McLellan JS, Crispin M. Science 369 330-333 (2020)
- Broadly cross-reactive antibodies dominate the human B cell response against 2009 pandemic H1N1 influenza virus infection. Wrammert J, Koutsonanos D, Li GM, Edupuganti S, Sui J, Morrissey M, McCausland M, Skountzou I, Hornig M, Lipkin WI, Mehta A, Razavi B, Del Rio C, Zheng NY, Lee JH, Huang M, Ali Z, Kaur K, Andrews S, Amara RR, Wang Y, Das SR, O'Donnell CD, Yewdell JW, Subbarao K, Marasco WA, Mulligan MJ, Compans R, Ahmed R, Wilson PC. J Exp Med 208 181-193 (2011)
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- Epitope-specific human influenza antibody repertoires diversify by B cell intraclonal sequence divergence and interclonal convergence. Krause JC, Tsibane T, Tumpey TM, Huffman CJ, Briney BS, Smith SA, Basler CF, Crowe JE. J Immunol 187 3704-3711 (2011)
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