3maw Citations

Structure of the Newcastle disease virus F protein in the post-fusion conformation.

Virology 402 372-9 (2010)
Cited: 67 times
EuropePMC logo PMID: 20439109


The paramyxovirus F protein is a class I viral membrane fusion protein which undergoes a significant refolding transition during virus entry. Previous studies of the Newcastle disease virus, human parainfluenza virus 3 and parainfluenza virus 5 F proteins revealed differences in the pre- and post-fusion structures. The NDV Queensland (Q) F structure lacked structural elements observed in the other two structures, which are key to the refolding and fusogenic activity of F. Here we present the NDV Australia-Victoria (AV) F protein post-fusion structure and provide EM evidence for its folding to a pre-fusion form. The NDV AV F structure contains heptad repeat elements missing in the previous NDV Q F structure, forming a post-fusion six-helix bundle (6HB) similar to the post-fusion hPIV3 F structure. Electrostatic and temperature factor analysis of the F structures points to regions of these proteins that may be functionally important in their membrane fusion activity.

Reviews - 3maw mentioned but not cited (2)

  1. Timing is everything: Fine-tuned molecular machines orchestrate paramyxovirus entry. Bose S, Jardetzky TS, Lamb RA. Virology 479-480 518-531 (2015)
  2. Differential Features of Fusion Activation within the Paramyxoviridae. Azarm KD, Lee B. Viruses 12 E161 (2020)

Articles - 3maw mentioned but not cited (7)

  1. Structure of respiratory syncytial virus fusion glycoprotein in the postfusion conformation reveals preservation of neutralizing epitopes. McLellan JS, Yang Y, Graham BS, Kwong PD. J. Virol. 85 7788-7796 (2011)
  2. Structure of the Newcastle disease virus F protein in the post-fusion conformation. Swanson K, Wen X, Leser GP, Paterson RG, Lamb RA, Jardetzky TS. Virology 402 372-379 (2010)
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  6. Heptad stereotypy, S/Q layering, and remote origin of the SARS-CoV-2 fusion core. Marchetti C, Vaglietti S, Rizzo F, Di Nardo G, Colnaghi L, Ghirardi M, Fiumara F. Virus Evol 7 veab097 (2022)
  7. Structure of the Core Postfusion Porcine Endogenous Retrovirus Fusion Protein. Dean TT, Serrão VHB, Lee JE. mBio e0292021 (2022)

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