Reviews - 3p50 mentioned but not cited (7)
- Towards a Comprehensive Understanding of Anesthetic Mechanisms of Action: A Decade of Discovery. Hemmings HC, Riegelhaupt PM, Kelz MB, Solt K, Eckenhoff RG, Orser BA, Goldstein PA. Trends Pharmacol Sci 40 464-481 (2019)
- A gating mechanism of pentameric ligand-gated ion channels. Calimet N, Simoes M, Changeux JP, Karplus M, Taly A, Cecchini M. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 110 E3987-96 (2013)
- Seeking structural specificity: direct modulation of pentameric ligand-gated ion channels by alcohols and general anesthetics. Howard RJ, Trudell JR, Harris RA. Pharmacol Rev 66 396-412 (2014)
- Structure and Pharmacologic Modulation of Inhibitory Glycine Receptors. Burgos CF, Yévenes GE, Aguayo LG. Mol Pharmacol 90 318-325 (2016)
- Predicting Structural Details of the Sodium Channel Pore Basing on Animal Toxin Studies. Tikhonov DB, Zhorov BS. Front Pharmacol 9 880 (2018)
- Druggable Lipid Binding Sites in Pentameric Ligand-Gated Ion Channels and Transient Receptor Potential Channels. Cheng WWL, Arcario MJ, Petroff JT. Front Physiol 12 798102 (2021)
- Mutagenesis computer experiments in pentameric ligand-gated ion channels: the role of simulation tools with different resolution. Crnjar A, Comitani F, Melis C, Molteni C. Interface Focus 9 20180067 (2019)
Articles - 3p50 mentioned but not cited (21)
Reviews citing this publication (63)
- Experimental and theoretical approaches to conscious processing. Dehaene S, Changeux JP. Neuron 70 200-227 (2011)
- Allostery and the Monod-Wyman-Changeux model after 50 years. Changeux JP. Annu Rev Biophys 41 103-133 (2012)
- Positive allosteric modulators as an approach to nicotinic acetylcholine receptor-targeted therapeutics: advantages and limitations. Williams DK, Wang J, Papke RL. Biochem Pharmacol 82 915-930 (2011)
- Structure and pharmacology of pentameric receptor channels: from bacteria to brain. Corringer PJ, Poitevin F, Prevost MS, Sauguet L, Delarue M, Changeux JP. Structure 20 941-956 (2012)
- Interfacial inhibitors: targeting macromolecular complexes. Pommier Y, Marchand C. Nat Rev Drug Discov 11 25-36 (2011)
- The nicotinic acetylcholine receptor: the founding father of the pentameric ligand-gated ion channel superfamily. Changeux JP. J Biol Chem 287 40207-40215 (2012)
- GABAA receptor: Positive and negative allosteric modulators. Olsen RW. Neuropharmacology 136 10-22 (2018)
- Allosteric Modulation as a Unifying Mechanism for Receptor Function and Regulation. Changeux JP, Christopoulos A. Cell 166 1084-1102 (2016)
- Emerging Molecular Mechanisms of Signal Transduction in Pentameric Ligand-Gated Ion Channels. Nemecz Á, Prevost MS, Menny A, Corringer PJ. Neuron 90 452-470 (2016)
- Molecular simulation approaches to membrane proteins. Stansfeld PJ, Sansom MS. Structure 19 1562-1572 (2011)
- Inhibitory glycine receptors: an update. Dutertre S, Becker CM, Betz H. J Biol Chem 287 40216-40223 (2012)
- 50 years of allosteric interactions: the twists and turns of the models. Changeux JP. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol 14 819-829 (2013)
- Evolution of synapse complexity and diversity. Emes RD, Grant SG. Annu Rev Neurosci 35 111-131 (2012)
- How drugs get into cells: tested and testable predictions to help discriminate between transporter-mediated uptake and lipoidal bilayer diffusion. Kell DB, Oliver SG. Front Pharmacol 5 231 (2014)
- Pathophysiological and neurochemical mechanisms of postoperative nausea and vomiting. Horn CC, Wallisch WJ, Homanics GE, Williams JP. Eur J Pharmacol 722 55-66 (2014)
- Understanding the Bases of Function and Modulation of α7 Nicotinic Receptors: Implications for Drug Discovery. Corradi J, Bouzat C. Mol Pharmacol 90 288-299 (2016)
- The impact of human hyperekplexia mutations on glycine receptor structure and function. Bode A, Lynch JW. Mol Brain 7 2 (2014)
- The nicotinic acetylcholine receptor and its prokaryotic homologues: Structure, conformational transitions & allosteric modulation. Cecchini M, Changeux JP. Neuropharmacology 96 137-149 (2015)
- Allosteric modulation of glycine receptors. Yevenes GE, Zeilhofer HU. Br J Pharmacol 164 224-236 (2011)
- Gating of pentameric ligand-gated ion channels: structural insights and ambiguities. daCosta CJ, Baenziger JE. Structure 21 1271-1283 (2013)
- Allosteric modulation of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors. Chatzidaki A, Millar NS. Biochem Pharmacol 97 408-417 (2015)
- Molecular dynamics simulations of the interactions of medicinal plant extracts and drugs with lipid bilayer membranes. Kopeć W, Telenius J, Khandelia H. FEBS J 280 2785-2805 (2013)
- Mapping General Anesthetic Sites in Heteromeric γ-Aminobutyric Acid Type A Receptors Reveals a Potential For Targeting Receptor Subtypes. Forman SA, Miller KW. Anesth Analg 123 1263-1273 (2016)
- A novel GABA(A) receptor pharmacology: drugs interacting with the α(+) β(-) interface. Sieghart W, Ramerstorfer J, Sarto-Jackson I, Varagic Z, Ernst M. Br J Pharmacol 166 476-485 (2012)
- The Biology of General Anesthesia from Paramecium to Primate. Kelz MB, Mashour GA. Curr Biol 29 R1199-R1210 (2019)
- Multiple targets for flecainide action: implications for cardiac arrhythmogenesis. Salvage SC, Chandrasekharan KH, Jeevaratnam K, Dulhunty AF, Thompson AJ, Jackson AP, Huang CL. Br J Pharmacol 175 1260-1278 (2018)
- The concept of allosteric modulation: an overview. Changeux JP. Drug Discov Today Technol 10 e223-8 (2013)
- Structural models of ligand-gated ion channels: sites of action for anesthetics and ethanol. Olsen RW, Li GD, Wallner M, Trudell JR, Bertaccini EJ, Lindahl E, Miller KW, Alkana RL, Davies DL. Alcohol Clin Exp Res 38 595-603 (2014)
- Anesthetics target interfacial transmembrane sites in nicotinic acetylcholine receptors. Forman SA, Chiara DC, Miller KW. Neuropharmacology 96 169-177 (2015)
- Crystallographic studies of pharmacological sites in pentameric ligand-gated ion channels. Sauguet L, Shahsavar A, Delarue M. Biochim Biophys Acta 1850 511-523 (2015)
- Molecular mechanisms of drug action: an emerging view. Sonner JM, Cantor RS. Annu Rev Biophys 42 143-167 (2013)
- Structural mechanisms of activation and desensitization in neurotransmitter-gated ion channels. Plested AJ. Nat Struct Mol Biol 23 494-502 (2016)
- The nicotinic acetylcholine receptor: a typical 'allosteric machine'. Changeux JP. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci 373 20170174 (2018)
- Discriminating between 5-HT₃A and 5-HT₃AB receptors. Thompson AJ, Lummis SC. Br J Pharmacol 169 736-747 (2013)
- Allosteric modulation as a unifying mechanism for receptor function and regulation. Changeux JP, Christopoulos A. Diabetes Obes Metab 19 Suppl 1 4-21 (2017)
- The Glycine Receptor-A Functionally Important Primary Brain Target of Ethanol. Söderpalm B, Lidö HH, Ericson M. Alcohol Clin Exp Res 41 1816-1830 (2017)
- Computational design of membrane proteins. Perez-Aguilar JM, Saven JG. Structure 20 5-14 (2012)
- Ligand binding at the protein-lipid interface: strategic considerations for drug design. Payandeh J, Volgraf M. Nat Rev Drug Discov 20 710-722 (2021)
- Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors at the single-channel level. Bouzat C, Sine SM. Br J Pharmacol 175 1789-1804 (2018)
- The role of the M4 lipid-sensor in the folding, trafficking, and allosteric modulation of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors. Hénault CM, Sun J, Therien JP, daCosta CJ, Carswell CL, Labriola JM, Juranka PF, Baenziger JE. Neuropharmacology 96 157-168 (2015)
- Structure-Function Relationships of Glycine and GABAA Receptors and Their Interplay With the Scaffolding Protein Gephyrin. Kasaragod VB, Schindelin H. Front Mol Neurosci 11 317 (2018)
- Allosteric regulation of pentameric ligand-gated ion channels: an emerging mechanistic perspective. Taly A, Hénin J, Changeux JP, Cecchini M. Channels (Austin) 8 350-360 (2014)
- An outline of desensitization in pentameric ligand-gated ion channel receptors. Keramidas A, Lynch JW. Cell Mol Life Sci 70 1241-1253 (2013)
- Conscious processing: implications for general anesthesia. Changeux JP. Curr Opin Anaesthesiol 25 397-404 (2012)
- Emergent pharmacology of conscious experience: new perspectives in substance addiction. Changeux JP, Lou HC. FASEB J 25 2098-2108 (2011)
- Natural compounds interacting with nicotinic acetylcholine receptors: from low-molecular weight ones to peptides and proteins. Kudryavtsev D, Shelukhina I, Vulfius C, Makarieva T, Stonik V, Zhmak M, Ivanov I, Kasheverov I, Utkin Y, Utkin Y, Tsetlin V. Toxins (Basel) 7 1683-1701 (2015)
- The Intracellular Loop of the Glycine Receptor: It's not all about the Size. Langlhofer G, Villmann C. Front Mol Neurosci 9 41 (2016)
- Comparison of αβδ and αβγ GABAA receptors: Allosteric modulation and identification of subunit arrangement by site-selective general anesthetics. Feng HJ, Forman SA. Pharmacol Res 133 289-300 (2018)
- Recent progress on the molecular pharmacology of propofol. Tang P, Eckenhoff R. F1000Res 7 123 (2018)
- Ionotropic GABA receptor antagonism-induced adverse outcome pathways for potential neurotoxicity biomarkers. Gong P, Hong H, Perkins EJ. Biomark Med 9 1225-1239 (2015)
- The concept of allosteric interaction and its consequences for the chemistry of the brain. Changeux JP. J Biol Chem 288 26969-26986 (2013)
- The Influence of Regional Distribution and Pharmacologic Specificity of GABAAR Subtype Expression on Anesthesia and Emergence. Speigel I, Bichler EK, García PS. Front Syst Neurosci 11 58 (2017)
- General anesthesia bullies the gut: a toxic relationship with dysbiosis and cognitive dysfunction. Liu L, Shang L, Jin D, Wu X, Long B. Psychopharmacology (Berl) 239 709-728 (2022)
- Physical and virtual screening methods for marine toxins and drug discovery targeting nicotinic acetylcholine receptors. Molgó J, Aráoz R, Benoit E, Iorga BI. Expert Opin Drug Discov 8 1203-1223 (2013)
- EPR Studies of Gating Mechanisms in Ion Channels. Chakrapani S. Methods Enzymol 557 279-306 (2015)
- Mechanistic Understanding from Molecular Dynamics in Pharmaceutical Research 2: Lipid Membrane in Drug Design. Róg T, Girych M, Bunker A. Pharmaceuticals (Basel) 14 1062 (2021)
- Permeating disciplines: Overcoming barriers between molecular simulations and classical structure-function approaches in biological ion transport. Howard RJ, Carnevale V, Delemotte L, Hellmich UA, Rothberg BS. Biochim Biophys Acta Biomembr 1860 927-942 (2018)
- Teaching an old GABA receptor new tricks. Trudell JR, Bertaccini E, Maciver MB. Anesth Analg 115 270-273 (2012)
- Combining Mutations and Electrophysiology to Map Anesthetic Sites on Ligand-Gated Ion Channels. Forman SA. Methods Enzymol 602 369-389 (2018)
- Recent Insight into Lipid Binding and Lipid Modulation of Pentameric Ligand-Gated Ion Channels. Ananchenko A, Hussein TOK, Mody D, Thompson MJ, Baenziger JE. Biomolecules 12 814 (2022)
- [X-ray structures of general anesthetics bound to their molecular targets]. Nury H, Delarue M, Corringer PJ. Med Sci (Paris) 27 1056-1057 (2011)
- Identifying c-fos Expression as a Strategy to Investigate the Actions of General Anesthetics on the Central Nervous System. Zhang D, Liu J, Zhu T, Zhou C. Curr Neuropharmacol 20 55-71 (2022)
- Positive Allosteric Modulators of Glycine Receptors and Their Potential Use in Pain Therapies. Gallagher CI, Ha DA, Harvey RJ, Vandenberg RJ. Pharmacol Rev 74 933-961 (2022)