Articles - 3pnw mentioned but not cited (5)
- CDR-H3 diversity is not required for antigen recognition by synthetic antibodies. Persson H, Persson H, Ye W, Wernimont A, Adams JJ, Koide A, Koide S, Lam R, Sidhu SS. J Mol Biol 425 803-811 (2013)
- Selective function-blocking monoclonal human antibody highlights the important role of membrane type-1 matrix metalloproteinase (MT1-MMP) in metastasis. Remacle AG, Cieplak P, Nam DH, Shiryaev SA, Ge X, Strongin AY. Oncotarget 8 2781-2799 (2017)
- Evolutionary convergence and divergence in archaeal chromosomal proteins and Chromo-like domains from bacteria and eukaryotes. Kaur G, Iyer LM, Subramanian S, Aravind L. Sci Rep 8 6196 (2018)
- A Small Protein Associated with Fungal Energy Metabolism Affects the Virulence of Cryptococcus neoformans in Mammals. McClelland EE, Ramagopal UA, Rivera J, Cox J, Nakouzi A, Prabu MM, Almo SC, Casadevall A. PLoS Pathog 12 e1005849 (2016)
- Inhibition of Marburg Virus RNA Synthesis by a Synthetic Anti-VP35 Antibody. Amatya P, Wagner N, Chen G, Luthra P, Shi L, Borek D, Pavlenco A, Rohrs H, Basler CF, Sidhu SS, Gross ML, Leung DW. ACS Infect Dis 5 1385-1396 (2019)
Reviews citing this publication (9)
- Fc Engineering for Developing Therapeutic Bispecific Antibodies and Novel Scaffolds. Liu H, Saxena A, Sidhu SS, Wu D. Front Immunol 8 38 (2017)
- Synthetic antibody technologies. Adams JJ, Sidhu SS. Curr Opin Struct Biol 24 1-9 (2014)
- New concepts and aids to facilitate crystallization. Bukowska MA, Grütter MG. Curr Opin Struct Biol 23 409-416 (2013)
- Engineered Autonomous Human Variable Domains. Nilvebrant J, Tessier PM, Sidhu SS. Curr Pharm Des 22 6527-6537 (2016)
- Evolution of phage display libraries for therapeutic antibody discovery. Zhang Y. MAbs 15 2213793 (2023)
- Synthetic approach to the generation of antibody diversity. Shim H. BMB Rep 48 489-494 (2015)
- Potent Neutralization of Staphylococcal Enterotoxin B In Vivo by Antibodies that Block Binding to the T-Cell Receptor. Chen G, Karauzum H, Long H, Carranza D, Holtsberg FW, Howell KA, Abaandou L, Zhang B, Jarvik N, Ye W, Liao GC, Gross ML, Leung DW, Amarasinghe GK, Aman MJ, Sidhu SS. J Mol Biol 431 4354-4367 (2019)
- Therapeutic Antibodies Against Shiga Toxins: Trends and Perspectives. Henrique IM, Sacerdoti F, Ferreira RL, Henrique C, Amaral MM, Piazza RMF, Luz D. Front Cell Infect Microbiol 12 825856 (2022)
- Protein engineering strategies for the development of viral vaccines and immunotherapeutics. Koellhoffer JF, Higgins CD, Lai JR. FEBS Lett 588 298-307 (2014)
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- Tailored tetravalent antibodies potently and specifically activate Wnt/Frizzled pathways in cells, organoids and mice. Tao Y, Mis M, Blazer L, Ustav M, Steinhart Z, Chidiac R, Kubarakos E, O'Brien S, Wang X, Jarvik N, Patel N, Adams J, Moffat J, Angers S, Sidhu SS. Elife 8 e46134 (2019)
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- A synthetic anti-Frizzled antibody engineered for broadened specificity exhibits enhanced anti-tumor properties. Pavlovic Z, Adams JJ, Blazer LL, Gakhal AK, Jarvik N, Steinhart Z, Robitaille M, Mascall K, Pan J, Angers S, Moffat J, Sidhu SS. MAbs 10 1157-1167 (2018)
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- Development of Monoclonal Antibodies to Detect for SARS-CoV-2 Proteins. Mishra N, Teyra J, Boytz R, Miersch S, Merritt TN, Cardarelli L, Gorelik M, Mihalic F, Jemth P, Davey RA, Sidhu SS, Leung DW, Amarasinghe GK. J Mol Biol 434 167583 (2022)
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- Optimization of peptidic HIV-1 fusion inhibitor T20 by phage display. Chen G, Cook JD, Ye W, Lee JE, Sidhu SS. Protein Sci 28 1501-1512 (2019)
- Phage vs. Phage: Direct Selections of Sandwich Binding Pairs. Sanders EC, Santos AM, Nguyen EK, Gelston AA, Majumdar S, Weiss GA. Viruses 15 807 (2023)
- SAMURAI (Solid-phase Assisted Mutagenesis by Uracil Restriction for Accurate Integration) for antibody affinity maturation and paratope mapping. Hu FJ, Lundqvist M, Uhlén M, Rockberg J. Nucleic Acids Res 47 e34 (2019)
- Structural Changes in Stx1 Engineering Monoclonal Antibody Improves Its Functionality as Diagnostic Tool for a Rapid Latex Agglutination Test. Luz D, Shiga EA, Chen G, Quintilio W, Andrade FB, Maranhão AQ, Caetano BA, Mitsunari T, Silva MA, Rocha LB, Moro AM, Sidhu SS, Piazza RMF. Antibodies (Basel) 7 E9 (2018)
- The Deleterious Effects of Shiga Toxin Type 2 Are Neutralized In Vitro by FabF8:Stx2 Recombinant Monoclonal Antibody. Luz D, Gómez FD, Ferreira RL, Melo BS, Guth BEC, Quintilio W, Moro AM, Presta A, Sacerdoti F, Ibarra C, Chen G, Sidhu SS, Amaral MM, Piazza RMF. Toxins (Basel) 13 825 (2021)
- A High-Throughput Platform for the Generation of Synthetic Ab Clones by Single-Strand Site-Directed Mutagenesis. Gallo E. Mol Biotechnol 61 410-420 (2019)
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