3s9h Citations

Structural insights into complete metal ion coordination from ternary complexes of B family RB69 DNA polymerase.

Biochemistry 50 9114-24 (2011)
Related entries: 3scx, 3si6, 3sjj, 3snn, 3spy, 3spz, 3sq0, 3sq1

Cited: 29 times
EuropePMC logo PMID: 21923197


We have captured a preinsertion ternary complex of RB69 DNA polymerase (RB69pol) containing the 3' hydroxyl group at the terminus of an extendable primer (ptO3') and a nonhydrolyzable 2'-deoxyuridine 5'-α,β-substituted triphosphate, dUpXpp, where X is either NH or CH(2), opposite a complementary templating dA nucleotide residue. Here we report four structures of these complexes formed by three different RB69pol variants with catalytically inert Ca(2+) and four other structures with catalytically competent Mn(2+) or Mg(2+). These structures provide new insights into why the complete divalent metal-ion coordination complexes at the A and B sites are required for nucleotidyl transfer. They show that the metal ion in the A site brings ptO3' close to the α-phosphorus atom (Pα) of the incoming dNTP to enable phosphodiester bond formation through simultaneous coordination of both ptO3' and the nonbridging Sp oxygen of the dNTP's α-phosphate. The coordination bond length of metal ion A as well as its ionic radius determines how close ptO3' can approach Pα. These variables are expected to affect the rate of bond formation. The metal ion in the B site brings the pyrophosphate product close enough to Pα to enable pyrophosphorolysis and assist in the departure of the pyrophosphate. In these dUpXpp-containing complexes, ptO3' occupies the vertex of a distorted metal ion A coordination octahedron. When ptO3' is placed at the vertex of an undistorted, idealized metal ion A octahedron, it is within bond formation distance to Pα. This geometric relationship appears to be conserved among DNA polymerases of known structure.

Articles - 3s9h mentioned but not cited (1)

  1. Structural insights into complete metal ion coordination from ternary complexes of B family RB69 DNA polymerase. Xia S, Wang M, Blaha G, Konigsberg WH, Wang J. Biochemistry 50 9114-9124 (2011)

Reviews citing this publication (6)

  1. Different Divalent Cations Alter the Kinetics and Fidelity of DNA Polymerases. Vashishtha AK, Wang J, Konigsberg WH. J Biol Chem 291 20869-20875 (2016)
  2. Herpesvirus DNA polymerases: Structures, functions and inhibitors. Zarrouk K, Piret J, Boivin G. Virus Res 234 177-192 (2017)
  3. RB69 DNA polymerase structure, kinetics, and fidelity. Xia S, Konigsberg WH. Biochemistry 53 2752-2767 (2014)
  4. Utility of the bacteriophage RB69 polymerase gp43 as a surrogate enzyme for herpesvirus orthologs. Bennett N, Götte M. Viruses 5 54-86 (2013)
  5. Two-Metal-Ion Catalysis: Inhibition of DNA Polymerase Activity by a Third Divalent Metal Ion. Wang J, Konigsberg WH. Front Mol Biosci 9 824794 (2022)
  6. Applications of quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical methods to the chemical insertion step of DNA and RNA polymerization. Perera L, Beard WA, Pedersen LG, Wilson SH. Adv Protein Chem Struct Biol 97 83-113 (2014)

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