3vgw Citations

Rational development of caged-biotin protein-labeling agents and some applications in live cells.

Chem Biol 18 1261-72 (2011)
Related entries: 3vhh, 3vhi, 3vhm

Cited: 9 times
EuropePMC logo PMID: 22035795


Biotin-(strept)avidin complex is widely used in biotechnology because of its extremely high binding constant, but there is no report describing spatiotemporally controlled formation of the complex in live cells. Here, based on X-ray crystal structure analysis and calorimetric data, we designed and synthesized photoreleasable biotins, which show greatly reduced affinity for (strept)avidin, but recover native affinity after UV irradiation. For application at the cell surface, we introduced an amine-reactive moiety into these "caged" biotin molecules. Specific fluorescence imaging of live cells that had been labeled with these agents and then UV-irradiated, was accomplished by addition of streptavidin conjugated with a fluorophore. We also demonstrated the applicability of these compounds for UV-irradiated-cell-specific drug delivery by using caged-biotin-labeled cells, a prodrug, and streptavidin conjugated with a prodrug-activating enzyme.

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Reviews citing this publication (1)

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