Reviews - 4bum mentioned but not cited (2)
- VDAC2-specific cellular functions and the underlying structure. Naghdi S, Hajnóczky G. Biochim Biophys Acta 1863 2503-2514 (2016)
- Ten Years of High Resolution Structural Research on the Voltage Dependent Anion Channel (VDAC)-Recent Developments and Future Directions. Zeth K, Zachariae U. Front Physiol 9 108 (2018)
Articles - 4bum mentioned but not cited (17)
Reviews citing this publication (24)
- ATP/ADP ratio, the missed connection between mitochondria and the Warburg effect. Maldonado EN, Lemasters JJ. Mitochondrion 19 Pt A 78-84 (2014)
- VDAC1 as Pharmacological Target in Cancer and Neurodegeneration: Focus on Its Role in Apoptosis. Magrì A, Reina S, De Pinto V. Front Chem 6 108 (2018)
- Voltage-Dependent Anion Channel 1 As an Emerging Drug Target for Novel Anti-Cancer Therapeutics. Shoshan-Barmatz V, Krelin Y, Shteinfer-Kuzmine A, Arif T. Front Oncol 7 154 (2017)
- VDAC Regulation: A Mitochondrial Target to Stop Cell Proliferation. Fang D, Maldonado EN. Adv Cancer Res 138 41-69 (2018)
- VDAC-Tubulin, an Anti-Warburg Pro-Oxidant Switch. Maldonado EN. Front Oncol 7 4 (2017)
- Role of cysteines in mammalian VDAC isoforms' function. De Pinto V, Reina S, Gupta A, Messina A, Mahalakshmi R. Biochim Biophys Acta 1857 1219-1227 (2016)
- Regulation of Calcium Homeostasis by ER Redox: A Close-Up of the ER/Mitochondria Connection. Chernorudskiy AL, Zito E. J Mol Biol 429 620-632 (2017)
- Protein-protein interaction networks as a new perspective to evaluate distinct functional roles of voltage-dependent anion channel isoforms. Caterino M, Ruoppolo M, Mandola A, Costanzo M, Orrù S, Imperlini E. Mol Biosyst 13 2466-2476 (2017)
- VDAC3 As a Potential Marker of Mitochondrial Status Is Involved in Cancer and Pathology. Reina S, Guarino F, Magrì A, De Pinto V. Front Oncol 6 264 (2016)
- Current state of theoretical and experimental studies of the voltage-dependent anion channel (VDAC). Noskov SY, Rostovtseva TK, Chamberlin AC, Teijido O, Jiang W, Bezrukov SM. Biochim Biophys Acta 1858 1778-1790 (2016)
- Renaissance of VDAC: New Insights on a Protein Family at the Interface between Mitochondria and Cytosol. De Pinto V. Biomolecules 11 107 (2021)
- A Calcium Guard in the Outer Membrane: Is VDAC a Regulated Gatekeeper of Mitochondrial Calcium Uptake? Sander P, Gudermann T, Schredelseker J. Int J Mol Sci 22 946 (2021)
- Cysteine Oxidations in Mitochondrial Membrane Proteins: The Case of VDAC Isoforms in Mammals. Reina S, Pittalà MGG, Guarino F, Messina A, De Pinto V, Foti S, Saletti R. Front Cell Dev Biol 8 397 (2020)
- VDAC-2: Mitochondrial outer membrane regulator masquerading as a channel? Maurya SR, Mahalakshmi R. FEBS J 283 1831-1836 (2016)
- Life at the border: adaptation of proteins to anisotropic membrane environment. Pogozheva ID, Mosberg HI, Lomize AL. Protein Sci 23 1165-1196 (2014)
- VDAC Genes Expression and Regulation in Mammals. Zinghirino F, Pappalardo XG, Messina A, Nicosia G, De Pinto V, Guarino F. Front Physiol 12 708695 (2021)
- Novel Channels of the Outer Membrane of Mitochondria: Recent Discoveries Change Our View. Checchetto V, Szabo I. Bioessays 40 e1700232 (2018)
- VDAC2 and the BCL-2 family of proteins. Yuan Z, Dewson G, Czabotar PE, Birkinshaw RW. Biochem Soc Trans 49 2787-2795 (2021)
- VDACs Post-Translational Modifications Discovery by Mass Spectrometry: Impact on Their Hub Function. Pittalà MGG, Conti Nibali S, Reina S, Cunsolo V, Di Francesco A, De Pinto V, Messina A, Foti S, Saletti R. Int J Mol Sci 22 12833 (2021)
- Voltage-Dependent Anion Selective Channel Isoforms in Yeast: Expression, Structure, and Functions. Di Rosa MC, Guarino F, Conti Nibali S, Magrì A, De Pinto V. Front Physiol 12 675708 (2021)
- MicroED: conception, practice and future opportunities. Clabbers MTB, Shiriaeva A, Gonen T. IUCrJ 9 169-179 (2022)
- Voltage-Dependent Anion Selective Channel 3: Unraveling Structural and Functional Features of the Least Known Porin Isoform. Reina S, Checchetto V. Front Physiol 12 784867 (2021)
- E as in Enigma: The Mysterious Role of the Voltage-Dependent Anion Channel Glutamate E73. Rister AB, Gudermann T, Schredelseker J. Int J Mol Sci 24 269 (2022)
- Mechanisms of BCL-2 family proteins in mitochondrial apoptosis. Czabotar PE, Garcia-Saez AJ. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol 24 732-748 (2023)