4ip9 Citations

Structural mechanism of serum amyloid A-mediated inflammatory amyloidosis.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 111 5189-94 (2014)
Cited: 100 times
EuropePMC logo PMID: 24706838


Serum amyloid A (SAA) represents an evolutionarily conserved family of inflammatory acute-phase proteins. It is also a major constituent of secondary amyloidosis. To understand its function and structural transition to amyloid, we determined a structure of human SAA1.1 in two crystal forms, representing a prototypic member of the family. Native SAA1.1 exists as a hexamer, with subunits displaying a unique four-helix bundle fold stabilized by its long C-terminal tail. Structure-based mutational studies revealed two positive-charge clusters, near the center and apex of the hexamer, that are involved in SAA association with heparin. The binding of high-density lipoprotein involves only the apex region of SAA and can be inhibited by heparin. Peptide amyloid formation assays identified the N-terminal helices 1 and 3 as amyloidogenic peptides of SAA1.1. Both peptides are secluded in the hexameric structure of SAA1.1, suggesting that the native SAA is nonpathogenic. Furthermore, dissociation of the SAA hexamer appears insufficient to initiate amyloidogenic transition, and proteolytic cleavage or removal of the C-terminal tail of SAA resulted in formation of various-sized structural aggregates containing ∼5-nm regular repeating protofibril-like units. The combined structural and functional studies provide mechanistic insights into the pathogenic contribution of glycosaminoglycan in SAA1.1-mediated AA amyloid formation.

Reviews - 4ip9 mentioned but not cited (2)

  1. Dynamic protein structures in normal function and pathologic misfolding in systemic amyloidosis. Lewkowicz E, Gursky O. Biophys Chem 280 106699 (2022)
  2. Big versus small: The impact of aggregate size in disease. Hnath B, Chen J, Reynolds J, Choi E, Wang J, Zhang D, Sha CM, Dokholyan NV. Protein Sci 32 e4686 (2023)

Articles - 4ip9 mentioned but not cited (11)

  1. Structural mechanism of serum amyloid A-mediated inflammatory amyloidosis. Lu J, Yu Y, Zhu I, Cheng Y, Sun PD. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 111 5189-5194 (2014)
  2. Electron tomography reveals the fibril structure and lipid interactions in amyloid deposits. Kollmer M, Meinhardt K, Haupt C, Liberta F, Wulff M, Linder J, Handl L, Heinrich L, Loos C, Schmidt M, Syrovets T, Simmet T, Westermark P, Westermark GT, Horn U, Schmidt V, Walther P, Fändrich M. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 113 5604-5609 (2016)
  3. Structure of serum amyloid A suggests a mechanism for selective lipoprotein binding and functions: SAA as a hub in macromolecular interaction networks. Frame NM, Gursky O. FEBS Lett 590 866-879 (2016)
  4. Presence of a SARS-CoV-2 Protein Enhances Amyloid Formation of Serum Amyloid A. Jana AK, Greenwood AB, Hansmann UHE. J Phys Chem B 125 9155-9167 (2021)
  5. Influence of C-terminal truncation of murine Serum amyloid A on fibril structure. Rennegarbe M, Lenter I, Schierhorn A, Sawilla R, Haupt C. Sci Rep 7 6170 (2017)
  6. Structural Basis for Lipid Binding and Function by an Evolutionarily Conserved Protein, Serum Amyloid A. Frame NM, Kumanan M, Wales TE, Bandara A, Fändrich M, Straub JE, Engen JR, Gursky O. J Mol Biol 432 1978-1995 (2020)
  7. Cleavage, Downregulation, and Aggregation of Serum Amyloid A. Wang W, Khatua P, Hansmann UHE. J Phys Chem B 124 1009-1019 (2020)
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  9. Signal peptide stabilizes folding and inhibits misfolding of serum amyloid A. Wu JL, Chen YR. Protein Sci 31 e4485 (2022)
  10. The potential role of glycosaminoglycans in serum amyloid A fibril formation by in silico approaches. Maszota-Zieleniak M, Danielsson A, Samsonov SA. Matrix Biol Plus 12 100080 (2021)
  11. research-article Presence of a SARS-COV-2 protein enhances Amyloid Formation of Serum Amyloid A. Jana AK, Greenwood AB, Hansmann UHE. bioRxiv 2021.05.18.444723 (2021)

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