4ll3 Citations

Thermodynamic and structural analysis of HIV protease resistance to darunavir - analysis of heavily mutated patient-derived HIV-1 proteases.


We report enzymologic, thermodynamic and structural analyses of a series of six clinically derived mutant HIV proteases (PR) resistant to darunavir. As many as 20 mutations in the resistant PRs decreased the binding affinity of darunavir by up to 13 000-fold, mostly because of a less favorable enthalpy of binding that was only partially compensated by the entropic contribution. X-ray structure analysis suggested that the drop in enthalpy of darunavir binding to resistant PR species was mostly the result of a decrease in the number of hydrogen bonds and a loosening of the fit between the inhibitor and the mutated enzymes. The favorable entropic contribution to darunavir binding to mutated PR variants correlated with a larger burial of the nonpolar solvent-accessible surface area upon inhibitor binding. We show that even very dramatic changes in the PR sequence leading to the loss of hydrogen bonds with the inhibitor could be partially compensated by the entropy contribution as a result of the burial of the larger nonpolar surface area of the mutated HIV PRs.

Reviews - 4ll3 mentioned but not cited (3)

  1. Viral proteases as therapeutic targets. Majerová T, Konvalinka J. Mol Aspects Med 88 101159 (2022)
  2. Regulation of Retroviral and SARS-CoV-2 Protease Dimerization and Activity through Reversible Oxidation. Davis DA, Bulut H, Shrestha P, Mitsuya H, Yarchoan R. Antioxidants (Basel) 11 2054 (2022)
  3. Comprehending the Structure, Dynamics, and Mechanism of Action of Drug-Resistant HIV Protease. Dakshinamoorthy A, Asmita A, Senapati S. ACS Omega 8 9748-9763 (2023)

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