4n86 Citations

Crystal structures of human transthyretin complexed with glabridin.

J Med Chem 57 1090-6 (2014)
Related entries: 4n85, 4n87

Cited: 14 times
EuropePMC logo PMID: 24422526


Transthyretin (TTR) is a plasma protein implicated in human amyloid diseases. Several small molecules that bind to the thyroxine-binding site of TTR have been shown to stabilize the TTR tetramer and to inhibit amyloid fibril formation of TTR. Herein, we demonstrated that glabridin (Glab), a prenylated isoflavan isolated from Glycyrrhiza glabra L., inhibited aggregation of TTR in a thioflavin assay. The TTR-Glab complex structure revealed a novel binding mode including a CH-π interaction with A108 and a hydrogen bond with K15. A structural comparison with the wild type-apo structure revealed that the CH-π interaction with A108 was strengthened by the induced-fit conformational change upon Glab binding. Furthermore, the binding of Glab induced a rotation of the T119 side chain, and the inclusion of a water molecule, leading to stabilization of the dimer-dimer interface. These results demonstrate that Glab is a novel inhibitor of TTR fibrillization and suggest the molecular mechanism by which Glab binding stabilizes the tetramer.

Reviews - 4n86 mentioned but not cited (1)

Articles - 4n86 mentioned but not cited (1)

  1. Exosomal Transport of Hepatocyte-Derived Drug-Modified Proteins to the Immune System. Ogese MO, Jenkins RE, Adair K, Tailor A, Meng X, Faulkner L, Enyindah BO, Schofield A, Diaz-Nieto R, Ressel L, Eagle GL, Kitteringham NR, Goldring CE, Park BK, Naisbitt DJ, Betts C. Hepatology 70 1732-1749 (2019)

Reviews citing this publication (1)

  1. Review on the Diverse Biological Effects of Glabridin. Zhang J, Wu X, Zhong B, Liao Q, Wang X, Xie Y, He X. Drug Des Devel Ther 17 15-37 (2023)

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