4x3h Citations

Structural basis of arc binding to synaptic proteins: implications for cognitive disease.

Neuron 86 490-500 (2015)
Related entries: 4x3i, 4x3x

Cited: 94 times
EuropePMC logo PMID: 25864631


Arc is a cellular immediate-early gene (IEG) that functions at excitatory synapses and is required for learning and memory. We report crystal structures of Arc subdomains that form a bi-lobar architecture remarkably similar to the capsid domain of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) gag protein. Analysis indicates Arc originated from the Ty3/Gypsy retrotransposon family and was "domesticated" in higher vertebrates for synaptic functions. The Arc N-terminal lobe evolved a unique hydrophobic pocket that mediates intermolecular binding with synaptic proteins as resolved in complexes with TARPγ2 (Stargazin) and CaMKII peptides and is essential for Arc's synaptic function. A consensus sequence for Arc binding identifies several additional partners that include genes implicated in schizophrenia. Arc N-lobe binding is inhibited by small chemicals suggesting Arc's synaptic action may be druggable. These studies reveal the remarkable evolutionary origin of Arc and provide a structural basis for understanding Arc's contribution to neural plasticity and disease.

Articles - 4x3h mentioned but not cited (6)

  1. Structural basis of arc binding to synaptic proteins: implications for cognitive disease. Zhang W, Wu J, Ward MD, Yang S, Chuang YA, Xiao M, Li R, Leahy DJ, Worley PF. Neuron 86 490-500 (2015)
  2. Structures of virus-like capsids formed by the Drosophila neuronal Arc proteins. Erlendsson S, Morado DR, Cullen HB, Feschotte C, Shepherd JD, Briggs JAG. Nat Neurosci 23 172-175 (2020)
  3. Arc Oligomerization Is Regulated by CaMKII Phosphorylation of the GAG Domain: An Essential Mechanism for Plasticity and Memory Formation. Zhang W, Chuang YA, Na Y, Ye Z, Yang L, Lin R, Zhou J, Wu J, Qiu J, Savonenko A, Leahy DJ, Huganir R, Linden DJ, Worley PF. Mol Cell 75 13-25.e5 (2019)
  4. Structure of Drosophila melanogaster ARC1 reveals a repurposed molecule with characteristics of retroviral Gag. Cottee MA, Letham SC, Young GR, Stoye JP, Taylor IA. Sci Adv 6 eaay6354 (2020)
  5. Structural properties and peptide ligand binding of the capsid homology domains of human Arc. Hallin EI, Bramham CR, Kursula P. Biochem Biophys Rep 26 100975 (2021)
  6. PepPro: A Nonredundant Structure Data Set for Benchmarking Peptide-Protein Computational Docking. Xu X, Zou X. J Comput Chem 41 362-369 (2020)

Reviews citing this publication (27)

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  24. Arc protein, a remnant of ancient retrovirus, forms virus-like particles, which are abundantly generated by neurons during epileptic seizures, and affects epileptic susceptibility in rodent models. Sibarov DA, Tsytsarev V, Volnova A, Vaganova AN, Alves J, Rojas L, Sanabria P, Ignashchenkova A, Savage ED, Inyushin M. Front Neurol 14 1201104 (2023)
  25. Effect of pharmacological manipulations on Arc function. Yakout DW, Shree N, Mabb AM. Curr Res Pharmacol Drug Discov 2 100013 (2021)
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  27. Mechanisms and Functions of Activity-Regulated Cytoskeleton-Associated Protein in Synaptic Plasticity. Chen Y, Wang X, Xiao B, Luo Z, Long H. Mol Neurobiol 60 5738-5754 (2023)

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