4ydd Citations

Perchlorate Reductase Is Distinguished by Active Site Aromatic Gate Residues.

J Biol Chem 291 9190-202 (2016)
Related entries: 5ch7, 5chc, 5e7o

Cited: 29 times
EuropePMC logo PMID: 26940877


Perchlorate is an important ion on both Earth and Mars. Perchlorate reductase (PcrAB), a specialized member of the dimethylsulfoxide reductase superfamily, catalyzes the first step of microbial perchlorate respiration, but little is known about the biochemistry, specificity, structure, and mechanism of PcrAB. Here we characterize the biophysics and phylogeny of this enzyme and report the 1.86-Å resolution PcrAB complex crystal structure. Biochemical analysis revealed a relatively high perchlorate affinity (Km = 6 μm) and a characteristic substrate inhibition compared with the highly similar respiratory nitrate reductase NarGHI, which has a relatively much lower affinity for perchlorate (Km = 1.1 mm) and no substrate inhibition. Structural analysis of oxidized and reduced PcrAB with and without the substrate analog SeO3 (2-) bound to the active site identified key residues in the positively charged and funnel-shaped substrate access tunnel that gated substrate entrance and product release while trapping transiently produced chlorate. The structures suggest gating was associated with shifts of a Phe residue between open and closed conformations plus an Asp residue carboxylate shift between monodentate and bidentate coordination to the active site molybdenum atom. Taken together, structural and mutational analyses of gate residues suggest key roles of these gate residues for substrate entrance and product release. Our combined results provide the first detailed structural insight into the mechanism of biological perchlorate reduction, a critical component of the chlorine redox cycle on Earth.

Reviews - 4ydd mentioned but not cited (1)

  1. DMSO Reductase Family: Phylogenetics and Applications of Extremophiles. Miralles-Robledillo JM, Torregrosa-Crespo J, Martínez-Espinosa RM, Pire C. Int J Mol Sci 20 E3349 (2019)

Articles - 4ydd mentioned but not cited (4)

  1. Perchlorate Reductase Is Distinguished by Active Site Aromatic Gate Residues. Youngblut MD, Tsai CL, Clark IC, Carlson HK, Maglaqui AP, Gau-Pan PS, Redford SA, Wong A, Tainer JA, Coates JD. J Biol Chem 291 9190-9202 (2016)
  2. Synthesis of silver nanoparticles by Bacillus clausii and computational profiling of nitrate reductase enzyme involved in production. Mukherjee K, Gupta R, Kumar G, Kumari S, Biswas S, Padmanabhan P. J Genet Eng Biotechnol 16 527-536 (2018)
  3. Robust Production, Crystallization, Structure Determination, and Analysis of [Fe-S] Proteins: Uncovering Control of Electron Shuttling and Gating in the Respiratory Metabolism of Molybdopterin Guanine Dinucleotide Enzymes. Tsai CL, Tainer JA. Methods Enzymol 599 157-196 (2018)
  4. In Silico Analysis of the Enzymes Involved in Haloarchaeal Denitrification. Bernabeu E, Miralles-Robledillo JM, Giani M, Valdés E, Martínez-Espinosa RM, Pire C. Biomolecules 11 1043 (2021)

Reviews citing this publication (6)

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  3. Microbial Synthesis and Transformation of Inorganic and Organic Chlorine Compounds. Atashgahi S, Liebensteiner MG, Janssen DB, Smidt H, Stams AJM, Sipkema D. Front Microbiol 9 3079 (2018)
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