4z3g Citations

Carbohydrate-Lectin Interactions: An Unexpected Contribution to Affinity.

Chembiochem 18 539-544 (2017)
Related entries: 4z3e, 4z3f, 4z3h, 4z3i, 4z3j

Cited: 9 times
EuropePMC logo PMID: 28076665


Uropathogenic E. coli exploit PapG-II adhesin for infecting host cells of the kidney; the expression of PapG-II at the tip of bacterial pili correlates with the onset of pyelonephritis in humans, a potentially life-threatening condition. It was envisaged that blocking PapG-II (and thus bacterial adhesion) would provide a viable therapeutic alternative to conventional antibiotic treatment. In our search for potent PapG-II antagonists, we observed an increase in affinity when tetrasaccharide 1, the natural ligand of PapG-II in human kidneys, was elongated to hexasaccharide 2, even though the additional Siaα(2-3)Gal extension is not in direct contact with the lectin. ITC studies suggest that the increased affinity results from partial desolvation of nonbinding regions of the hexasaccharide; this is ultimately responsible for perturbation of the outer hydration layers. Our results are in agreement with previous observations and suggest a general mechanism for modulating carbohydrate-protein interactions based on nonbinding regions of the ligand.

Reviews citing this publication (3)

  1. Conformational Studies of Oligosaccharides. Yu Y, Delbianco M. Chemistry 26 9814-9825 (2020)
  2. Enthalpy-Entropy Compensation in Biomolecular Recognition: A Computational Perspective. Peccati F, Jiménez-Osés G. ACS Omega 6 11122-11130 (2021)
  3. Structural Diversities of Lectins Binding to the Glycosphingolipid Gb3. Siukstaite L, Imberty A, Römer W. Front Mol Biosci 8 704685 (2021)

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  3. Galectin-Glycan Interactions: Guidelines for Monitoring by 77 Se NMR Spectroscopy, and Solvent (H2 O/D2 O) Impact on Binding. Diercks T, Medrano FJ, FitzGerald FG, Beckwith D, Pedersen MJ, Reihill M, Ludwig AK, Romero A, Oscarson S, Cudic M, Gabius HJ. Chemistry 27 316-325 (2021)
  4. BC2L-C N-Terminal Lectin Domain Complexed with Histo Blood Group Oligosaccharides Provides New Structural Information. Bermeo R, Bernardi A, Varrot A. Molecules 25 E248 (2020)
  5. On-Chip Screening of a Glycomimetic Library with C-Type Lectins Reveals Structural Features Responsible for Preferential Binding of Dectin-2 over DC-SIGN/R and Langerin. Medve L, Achilli S, Serna S, Zuccotto F, Varga N, Thépaut M, Civera M, Vivès C, Fieschi F, Reichardt N, Bernardi A. Chemistry 24 14448-14460 (2018)
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