Articles - 4zwn mentioned but not cited (2)
- Structure of the Catalytic Domain of the Class I Polyhydroxybutyrate Synthase from Cupriavidus necator. Wittenborn EC, Jost M, Wei Y, Stubbe J, Drennan CL. J Biol Chem 291 25264-25277 (2016)
- The crystal structure of monoacylglycerol lipase from M. tuberculosis reveals the basis for specific inhibition. Aschauer P, Zimmermann R, Breinbauer R, Pavkov-Keller T, Oberer M. Sci Rep 8 8948 (2018)
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- Hypoxia-inducible lipid droplet-associated protein inhibits adipose triglyceride lipase. Padmanabha Das KM, Wechselberger L, Liziczai M, De la Rosa Rodriguez M, Grabner GF, Heier C, Viertlmayr R, Radler C, Lichtenegger J, Zimmermann R, Borst JW, Zechner R, Kersten S, Oberer M. J Lipid Res 59 531-541 (2018)
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