Articles - 5a3z mentioned but not cited (1)
- MeshAndCollect: an automated multi-crystal data-collection workflow for synchrotron macromolecular crystallography beamlines. Zander U, Bourenkov G, Popov AN, de Sanctis D, Svensson O, McCarthy AA, Round E, Gordeliy V, Mueller-Dieckmann C, Leonard GA. Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr 71 2328-2343 (2015)
Reviews citing this publication (3)
- Best practices for time-resolved serial synchrotron crystallography. Schulz EC, Yorke BA, Pearson AR, Mehrabi P. Acta Crystallogr D Struct Biol 78 14-29 (2022)
- On the state of crystallography at the dawn of the electron microscopy revolution. Higgins MK, Lea SM. Curr Opin Struct Biol 46 95-101 (2017)
- Dynamic Structural Biology Experiments at XFEL or Synchrotron Sources. Aller P, Orville AM. Methods Mol Biol 2305 203-228 (2021)
Articles citing this publication (44)
- KAMO: towards automated data processing for microcrystals. Yamashita K, Hirata K, Yamamoto M. Acta Crystallogr D Struct Biol 74 441-449 (2018)
- Structural insights into the inhibition of glycine reuptake. Shahsavar A, Stohler P, Bourenkov G, Zimmermann I, Siegrist M, Guba W, Pinard E, Sinning S, Seeger MA, Schneider TR, Dawson RJP, Nissen P. Nature 591 677-681 (2021)
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- Structural basis of ligand selectivity and disease mutations in cysteinyl leukotriene receptors. Gusach A, Luginina A, Marin E, Brouillette RL, Besserer-Offroy É, Longpré JM, Ishchenko A, Popov P, Patel N, Fujimoto T, Maruyama T, Stauch B, Ergasheva M, Romanovskaia D, Stepko A, Kovalev K, Shevtsov M, Gordeliy V, Han GW, Katritch V, Borshchevskiy V, Sarret P, Mishin A, Cherezov V. Nat Commun 10 5573 (2019)
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