5bus Citations

Structural Basis for the ATP-dependent Configuration of Adenylation Active Site in Bacillus subtilis o-Succinylbenzoyl-CoA Synthetase.

J Biol Chem 290 23971-83 (2015)
Related entries: 5buq, 5bur

Cited: 11 times
EuropePMC logo PMID: 26276389


o-Succinylbenzoyl-CoA synthetase, or MenE, is an essential adenylate-forming enzyme targeted for development of novel antibiotics in the menaquinone biosynthesis. Using its crystal structures in a ligand-free form or in complex with nucleotides, a conserved pattern is identified in the interaction between ATP and adenylating enzymes, including acyl/aryl-CoA synthetases, adenylation domains of nonribosomal peptide synthetases, and luciferases. It involves tight gripping interactions of the phosphate-binding loop (P-loop) with the ATP triphosphate moiety and an open-closed conformational change to form a compact adenylation active site. In MenE catalysis, this ATP-enzyme interaction creates a new binding site for the carboxylate substrate, allowing revelation of the determinants of substrate specificities and in-line alignment of the two substrates for backside nucleophilic substitution reaction by molecular modeling. In addition, the ATP-enzyme interaction is suggested to play a crucial catalytic role by mutation of the P-loop residues hydrogen-bonded to ATP. Moreover, the ATP-enzyme interaction has also clarified the positioning and catalytic role of a conserved lysine residue in stabilization of the transition state. These findings provide new insights into the adenylation half-reaction in the domain alteration catalytic mechanism of the adenylate-forming enzymes.

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