5dca Citations

The large N-terminal region of the Brr2 RNA helicase guides productive spliceosome activation.


The Brr2 helicase provides the key remodeling activity for spliceosome catalytic activation, during which it disrupts the U4/U6 di-snRNP (small nuclear RNA protein), and its activity has to be tightly regulated. Brr2 exhibits an unusual architecture, including an ∼ 500-residue N-terminal region, whose functions and molecular mechanisms are presently unknown, followed by a tandem array of structurally similar helicase units (cassettes), only the first of which is catalytically active. Here, we show by crystal structure analysis of full-length Brr2 in complex with a regulatory Jab1/MPN domain of the Prp8 protein and by cross-linking/mass spectrometry of isolated Brr2 that the Brr2 N-terminal region encompasses two folded domains and adjacent linear elements that clamp and interconnect the helicase cassettes. Stepwise N-terminal truncations led to yeast growth and splicing defects, reduced Brr2 association with U4/U6•U5 tri-snRNPs, and increased ATP-dependent disruption of the tri-snRNP, yielding U4/U6 di-snRNP and U5 snRNP. Trends in the RNA-binding, ATPase, and helicase activities of the Brr2 truncation variants are fully rationalized by the crystal structure, demonstrating that the N-terminal region autoinhibits Brr2 via substrate competition and conformational clamping. Our results reveal molecular mechanisms that prevent premature and unproductive tri-snRNP disruption and suggest novel principles of Brr2-dependent splicing regulation.

Reviews - 5dca mentioned but not cited (2)

  1. Functions and regulation of the Brr2 RNA helicase during splicing. Absmeier E, Santos KF, Wahl MC. Cell Cycle 15 3362-3377 (2016)
  2. Genetics and biochemistry remain essential in the structural era of the spliceosome. Mayerle M, Guthrie C. Methods 125 3-9 (2017)

Articles - 5dca mentioned but not cited (4)

  1. The large N-terminal region of the Brr2 RNA helicase guides productive spliceosome activation. Absmeier E, Wollenhaupt J, Mozaffari-Jovin S, Becke C, Lee CT, Preussner M, Heyd F, Urlaub H, Lührmann R, Santos KF, Wahl MC. Genes Dev 29 2576-2587 (2015)
  2. Interplay of cis- and trans-regulatory mechanisms in the spliceosomal RNA helicase Brr2. Absmeier E, Becke C, Wollenhaupt J, Santos KF, Wahl MC. Cell Cycle 16 100-112 (2017)
  3. The HelQ human DNA repair helicase utilizes a PWI-like domain for DNA loading through interaction with RPA, triggering DNA unwinding by the HelQ helicase core. Jenkins T, Northall SJ, Ptchelkine D, Lever R, Cubbon A, Betts H, Taresco V, Cooper CDO, McHugh PJ, Soultanas P, Bolt EL. NAR Cancer 3 zcaa043 (2021)
  4. Intrinsically Disordered Protein Ntr2 Modulates the Spliceosomal RNA Helicase Brr2. Wollenhaupt J, Henning LM, Sticht J, Becke C, Freund C, Santos KF, Wahl MC. Biophys J 114 788-799 (2018)

Reviews citing this publication (8)

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  2. Mutations in spliceosomal proteins and retina degeneration. Růžičková Š, Staněk D. RNA Biol 14 544-552 (2017)
  3. The life of U6 small nuclear RNA, from cradle to grave. Didychuk AL, Butcher SE, Brow DA. RNA 24 437-460 (2018)
  4. Structural dynamics of the N-terminal domain and the Switch loop of Prp8 during spliceosome assembly and activation. Jia X, Sun C. Nucleic Acids Res 46 3833-3840 (2018)
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  8. Cellular functions of eukaryotic RNA helicases and their links to human diseases. Bohnsack KE, Yi S, Venus S, Jankowsky E, Bohnsack MT. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol 24 749-769 (2023)

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