5i08 Citations

Pre-fusion structure of a human coronavirus spike protein.


HKU1 is a human betacoronavirus that causes mild yet prevalent respiratory disease, and is related to the zoonotic SARS and MERS betacoronaviruses, which have high fatality rates and pandemic potential. Cell tropism and host range is determined in part by the coronavirus spike (S) protein, which binds cellular receptors and mediates membrane fusion. As the largest known class I fusion protein, its size and extensive glycosylation have hindered structural studies of the full ectodomain, thus preventing a molecular understanding of its function and limiting development of effective interventions. Here we present the 4.0 Å resolution structure of the trimeric HKU1 S protein determined using single-particle cryo-electron microscopy. In the pre-fusion conformation, the receptor-binding subunits, S1, rest above the fusion-mediating subunits, S2, preventing their conformational rearrangement. Surprisingly, the S1 C-terminal domains are interdigitated and form extensive quaternary interactions that occlude surfaces known in other coronaviruses to bind protein receptors. These features, along with the location of the two protease sites known to be important for coronavirus entry, provide a structural basis to support a model of membrane fusion mediated by progressive S protein destabilization through receptor binding and proteolytic cleavage. These studies should also serve as a foundation for the structure-based design of betacoronavirus vaccine immunogens.

Reviews - 5i08 mentioned but not cited (10)

  1. COVID-19 and SARS-CoV-2. Modeling the present, looking at the future. Estrada E. Phys Rep 869 1-51 (2020)
  2. 50 Years of structural immunology. Wilson IA, Stanfield RL. J Biol Chem 296 100745 (2021)
  3. A Biochemical Perspective of the Nonstructural Proteins (NSPs) and the Spike Protein of SARS CoV-2. Yoshimoto FK. Protein J 40 260-295 (2021)
  4. Lassa virus glycoprotein: stopping a moving target. Hastie KM, Saphire EO. Curr Opin Virol 31 52-58 (2018)
  5. Drug repurposing against SARS-CoV-2 using computational approaches. Kumar S, Kovalenko S, Bhardwaj S, Sethi A, Gorobets NY, Desenko SM, Poonam, Rathi B. Drug Discov Today 27 2015-2027 (2022)
  6. Host Receptors of Influenza Viruses and Coronaviruses-Molecular Mechanisms of Recognition. Sriwilaijaroen N, Suzuki Y. Vaccines (Basel) 8 E587 (2020)
  7. Human coronavirus spike protein-host receptor recognition. Guruprasad L. Prog Biophys Mol Biol (2020)
  8. Just Keep Rolling?-An Encompassing Review towards Accelerated Vaccine Product Life Cycles. Stiefel J, Zimmer J, Schloßhauer JL, Vosen A, Kilz S, Balakin S. Vaccines (Basel) 11 1287 (2023)
  9. Known Cellular and Receptor Interactions of Animal and Human Coronaviruses: A Review. Everest H, Stevenson-Leggett P, Bailey D, Bickerton E, Keep S. Viruses 14 351 (2022)
  10. Structural Requirements and Plasticity of Receptor-Binding Domain in Human Coronavirus Spike. Li Y, Zheng P, Liu T, Shi C, Wang B, Xu Y, Jin T. Front Mol Biosci 9 930931 (2022)

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