5i2a Citations

1,2-Propanediol Dehydration in Roseburia inulinivorans: STRUCTURAL BASIS FOR SUBSTRATE AND ENANTIOMER SELECTIVITY.

J Biol Chem 291 15515-26 (2016)
Cited: 13 times
EuropePMC logo PMID: 27252380


Glycyl radical enzymes (GREs) represent a diverse superfamily of enzymes that utilize a radical mechanism to catalyze difficult, but often essential, chemical reactions. In this work we present the first biochemical and structural data for a GRE-type diol dehydratase from the organism Roseburia inulinivorans (RiDD). Despite high sequence (48% identity) and structural similarity to the GRE-type glycerol dehydratase from Clostridium butyricum, we demonstrate that the RiDD is in fact a diol dehydratase. In addition, the RiDD will utilize both (S)-1,2-propanediol and (R)-1,2-propanediol as a substrate, with an observed preference for the S enantiomer. Based on the new structural information we developed and successfully tested a hypothesis that explains the functional differences we observe.

Articles - 5i2a mentioned but not cited (1)

  1. 1,2-Propanediol Dehydration in Roseburia inulinivorans: STRUCTURAL BASIS FOR SUBSTRATE AND ENANTIOMER SELECTIVITY. LaMattina JW, Keul ND, Reitzer P, Kapoor S, Galzerani F, Koch DJ, Gouvea IE, Lanzilotta WN. J Biol Chem 291 15515-15526 (2016)

Reviews citing this publication (6)

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