5ks5 Citations

Structure of the C-Terminal Helical Repeat Domain of Eukaryotic Elongation Factor 2 Kinase.

Biochemistry 55 5377-86 (2016)
Cited: 6 times
EuropePMC logo PMID: 27571275


Eukaryotic elongation factor 2 kinase (eEF-2K) phosphorylates its only known physiological substrate, elongation factor 2 (eEF-2), which reduces the affinity of eEF-2 for the ribosome and results in an overall reduction in protein translation rates. The C-terminal region of eEF-2K, which is predicted to contain several SEL-1-like helical repeats (SLRs), is required for the phosphorylation of eEF-2. Using solution nuclear magnetic resonance methodology, we have determined the structure of a 99-residue fragment from the extreme C-terminus of eEF-2K (eEF-2K627-725) that encompasses a region previously suggested to be essential for eEF-2 phosphorylation. eEF-2K627-725 contains four helices, of which the first (αI) is flexible, and does not pack stably against the ordered helical core formed by the last three helices (αII-αIV). The helical core is structurally similar to members of the tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR) family that includes SLRs. The two penultimate helices, αII and αIII, comprise the TPR, and the last helix, αIV, appears to have a capping function. The eEF-2K627-725 structure illustrates that the C-terminal deletion that was shown to abolish eEF-2 phosphorylation does so by destabilizing αIV and, therefore, the helical core. Indeed, mutation of two conserved C-terminal tyrosines (Y712A/Y713A) in eEF-2K previously shown to abolish eEF-2 phosphorylation leads to the unfolding of eEF-2K627-725. Preliminary functional analyses indicate that neither a peptide encoding a region deemed crucial for eEF-2 binding nor isolated eEF-2K627-725 inhibits eEF-2 phosphorylation by full-length eEF-2K. Taken together, our data suggest that the extreme C-terminal region of eEF-2K, in isolation, does not provide a primary docking site for eEF-2.

Articles - 5ks5 mentioned but not cited (2)

  1. Structure of the C-Terminal Helical Repeat Domain of Eukaryotic Elongation Factor 2 Kinase. Will N, Piserchio A, Snyder I, Ferguson SB, Giles DH, Dalby KN, Ghose R. Biochemistry 55 5377-5386 (2016)
  2. Discovery of New Inhibitors of eEF2K from Traditional Chinese Medicine Based on In Silico Screening and In Vitro Experimental Validation. Fu Q, Liu X, Li Y, Wang P, Wu T, Xiao H, Zhao Y, Liao Q, Song Z. Molecules 27 4886 (2022)

Reviews citing this publication (2)

  1. Eukaryotic Elongation Factor 2 Kinase (eEF2K) in Cancer. Cancers (Basel) 9 E162 (2017)
  2. Insights Into the Pathologic Roles and Regulation of Eukaryotic Elongation Factor-2 Kinase. Ballard DJ, Peng HY, Das JK, Kumar A, Wang L, Ren Y, Xiong X, Ren X, Yang JM, Song J. Front Mol Biosci 8 727863 (2021)

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  1. Structural Dynamics of the Activation of Elongation Factor 2 Kinase by Ca2+-Calmodulin. Will N, Lee K, Hajredini F, Giles DH, Abzalimov RR, Clarkson M, Dalby KN, Ghose R. J Mol Biol 430 2802-2821 (2018)
  2. Solution Structure of the Carboxy-Terminal Tandem Repeat Domain of Eukaryotic Elongation Factor 2 Kinase and Its Role in Substrate Recognition. Piserchio A, Will N, Giles DH, Hajredini F, Dalby KN, Ghose R. J Mol Biol 431 2700-2717 (2019)