5lh3 Citations

A multicrystal diffraction data-collection approach for studying structural dynamics with millisecond temporal resolution.

OpenAccess logo IUCrJ 3 393-401 (2016)
Related entries: 5lh0, 5lh1, 5lh5, 5lh6, 5lh7, 5lmh, 5ln0

Cited: 10 times
EuropePMC logo PMID: 27840678


Many biochemical processes take place on timescales ranging from femto-seconds to seconds. Accordingly, any time-resolved experiment must be matched to the speed of the structural changes of interest. Therefore, the timescale of interest defines the requirements of the X-ray source, instrumentation and data-collection strategy. In this study, a minimalistic approach for in situ crystallization is presented that requires only a few microlitres of sample solution containing a few hundred crystals. It is demonstrated that complete diffraction data sets, merged from multiple crystals, can be recorded within only a few minutes of beamtime and allow high-resolution structural information of high quality to be obtained with a temporal resolution of 40 ms. Global and site-specific radiation damage can be avoided by limiting the maximal dose per crystal to 400 kGy. Moreover, analysis of the data collected at higher doses allows the time-resolved observation of site-specific radiation damage. Therefore, our approach is well suited to observe structural changes and possibly enzymatic reactions in the low-millisecond regime.

Articles - 5lh3 mentioned but not cited (1)

  1. A multicrystal diffraction data-collection approach for studying structural dynamics with millisecond temporal resolution. Schubert R, Kapis S, Gicquel Y, Bourenkov G, Schneider TR, Heymann M, Betzel C, Perbandt M. IUCrJ 3 393-401 (2016)

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