Articles - 5m10 mentioned but not cited (4)
- Overriding Traditional Electronic Effects in Biocatalytic Baeyer-Villiger Reactions by Directed Evolution. Li G, Garcia-Borràs M, Fürst MJLJ, Ilie A, Fraaije MW, Houk KN, Reetz MT. J Am Chem Soc 140 10464-10472 (2018)
- Discovery of Two Native Baeyer-Villiger Monooxygenases for Asymmetric Synthesis of Bulky Chiral Sulfoxides. Zhang Y, Liu F, Xu N, Wu YQ, Zheng YC, Zhao Q, Lin G, Yu HL, Xu JH. Appl Environ Microbiol 84 e00638-18 (2018)
- Side-Chain Pruning Has Limited Impact on Substrate Preference in a Promiscuous Enzyme. Fürst MJLJ, Romero E, Gómez Castellanos JR, Fraaije MW, Mattevi A. ACS Catal 8 11648-11656 (2018)
- Bioinformatic Mining and Structure-Activity Profiling of Baeyer-Villiger Monooxygenases from Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Tomas N, Leonelli D, Campoy M, Marthey S, Le NH, Rengel D, Martin V, Pál A, Korduláková J, Eynard N, Guillet V, Mourey L, Daffé M, Lemassu A, André G, Marrakchi H. mSphere 7 e0048221 (2022)
Reviews citing this publication (2)
- Toward Upscaled Biocatalytic Preparation of Lactone Building Blocks for Polymer Applications. Delgove MAF, Elford MT, Bernaerts KV, Wildeman SMA. Org Process Res Dev 22 803-812 (2018)
- Design of fusion enzymes for biocatalytic applications in aqueous and non-aqueous media. Ma Y, Zhang N, Vernet G, Kara S. Front Bioeng Biotechnol 10 944226 (2022)
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- Controlling the Regioselectivity of Baeyer-Villiger Monooxygenases by Mutation of Active-Site Residues. Balke K, Bäumgen M, Bornscheuer UT. Chembiochem 18 1627-1638 (2017)
- Kinetic insights into ϵ-caprolactone synthesis: Improvement of an enzymatic cascade reaction. Scherkus C, Schmidt S, Bornscheuer UT, Gröger H, Kara S, Liese A. Biotechnol Bioeng 114 1215-1221 (2017)
- Stabilization of cyclohexanone monooxygenase by computational and experimental library design. Fürst MJLJ, Boonstra M, Bandstra S, Fraaije MW. Biotechnol Bioeng 116 2167-2177 (2019)
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- Crystal structures of the isochorismatase domains from Vibrio anguillarum. Du J, Deng T, Ma Q. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 490 827-833 (2017)
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