5nj3 Citations

Structure of the human multidrug transporter ABCG2.

Nature 546 504-509 (2017)
Related entries: 5niv, 5njg

Cited: 209 times
EuropePMC logo PMID: 28554189


ABCG2 is a constitutively expressed ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter that protects many tissues against xenobiotic molecules. Its activity affects the pharmacokinetics of commonly used drugs and limits the delivery of therapeutics into tumour cells, thus contributing to multidrug resistance. Here we present the structure of human ABCG2 determined by cryo-electron microscopy, providing the first high-resolution insight into a human multidrug transporter. We visualize ABCG2 in complex with two antigen-binding fragments of the human-specific, inhibitory antibody 5D3 that recognizes extracellular loops of the transporter. We observe two cholesterol molecules bound in the multidrug-binding pocket that is located in a central, hydrophobic, inward-facing translocation pathway between the transmembrane domains. Combined with functional in vitro analyses, our results suggest a multidrug recognition and transport mechanism of ABCG2, rationalize disease-causing single nucleotide polymorphisms and the allosteric inhibition by the 5D3 antibody, and provide the structural basis of cholesterol recognition by other G-subfamily ABC transporters.

Reviews - 5nj3 mentioned but not cited (12)

  1. Revisiting the role of ABC transporters in multidrug-resistant cancer. Robey RW, Pluchino KM, Hall MD, Fojo AT, Bates SE, Gottesman MM. Nat Rev Cancer 18 452-464 (2018)
  2. Structural and functional diversity calls for a new classification of ABC transporters. Thomas C, Aller SG, Beis K, Carpenter EP, Chang G, Chen L, Dassa E, Dean M, Duong Van Hoa F, Ekiert D, Ford R, Gaudet R, Gong X, Holland IB, Huang Y, Kahne DK, Kato H, Koronakis V, Koth CM, Lee Y, Lewinson O, Lill R, Martinoia E, Murakami S, Pinkett HW, Poolman B, Rosenbaum D, Sarkadi B, Schmitt L, Schneider E, Shi Y, Shyng SL, Slotboom DJ, Tajkhorshid E, Tieleman DP, Ueda K, Váradi A, Wen PC, Yan N, Zhang P, Zheng H, Zimmer J, Tampé R. FEBS Lett 594 3767-3775 (2020)
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  8. Picky ABCG5/G8 and promiscuous ABCG2 - a tale of fatty diets and drug toxicity. Khunweeraphong N, Mitchell-White J, Szöllősi D, Hussein T, Kuchler K, Kerr ID, Stockner T, Lee JY. FEBS Lett 594 4035-4058 (2020)
  9. A Structure-Based View on ABC-Transporter Linked to Multidrug Resistance. Huang J, Ecker GF. Molecules 28 495 (2023)
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