5oqn Citations

Structural Basis for a Safety-Belt Mechanism That Anchors Condensin to Chromosomes.

OpenAccess logo Cell 171 588-600.e24 (2017)
Related entries: 5oqo, 5oqp, 5oqq, 5oqr

Cited: 74 times
EuropePMC logo PMID: 28988770


Condensin protein complexes coordinate the formation of mitotic chromosomes and thereby ensure the successful segregation of replicated genomes. Insights into how condensin complexes bind to chromosomes and alter their topology are essential for understanding the molecular principles behind the large-scale chromatin rearrangements that take place during cell divisions. Here, we identify a direct DNA-binding site in the eukaryotic condensin complex, which is formed by its Ycg1Cnd3 HEAT-repeat and Brn1Cnd2 kleisin subunits. DNA co-crystal structures reveal a conserved, positively charged groove that accommodates the DNA double helix. A peptide loop of the kleisin subunit encircles the bound DNA and, like a safety belt, prevents its dissociation. Firm closure of the kleisin loop around DNA is essential for the association of condensin complexes with chromosomes and their DNA-stimulated ATPase activity. Our data suggest a sophisticated molecular basis for anchoring condensin complexes to chromosomes that enables the formation of large-sized chromatin loops.

Articles - 5oqn mentioned but not cited (3)

  1. Structural Basis for a Safety-Belt Mechanism That Anchors Condensin to Chromosomes. Kschonsak M, Merkel F, Bisht S, Metz J, Rybin V, Hassler M, Haering CH. Cell 171 588-600.e24 (2017)
  2. Structural basis of HEAT-kleisin interactions in the human condensin I subcomplex. Hara K, Kinoshita K, Migita T, Murakami K, Shimizu K, Takeuchi K, Hirano T, Hashimoto H. EMBO Rep 20 e47183 (2019)
  3. Modeling of DNA binding to the condensin hinge domain using molecular dynamics simulations guided by atomic force microscopy. Koide H, Kodera N, Bisht S, Takada S, Terakawa T. PLoS Comput Biol 17 e1009265 (2021)

Reviews citing this publication (15)

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