5wgz Citations

Function and Structure of MalA/MalA', Iterative Halogenases for Late-Stage C-H Functionalization of Indole Alkaloids.


Malbrancheamide is a dichlorinated fungal indole alkaloid isolated from both Malbranchea aurantiaca and Malbranchea graminicola that belongs to a family of natural products containing a characteristic bicyclo[2.2.2]diazaoctane core. The introduction of chlorine atoms on the indole ring of malbrancheamide differentiates it from other members of this family and contributes significantly to its biological activity. In this study, we characterized the two flavin-dependent halogenases involved in the late-stage halogenation of malbrancheamide in two different fungal strains. MalA and MalA' catalyze the iterative dichlorination and monobromination of the free substrate premalbrancheamide as the final steps in the malbrancheamide biosynthetic pathway. Two unnatural bromo-chloro-malbrancheamide analogues were generated through MalA-mediated chemoenzymatic synthesis. Structural analysis and computational studies of MalA' in complex with three substrates revealed that the enzyme represents a new class of zinc-binding flavin-dependent halogenases and provides new insights into a potentially unique reaction mechanism.

Reviews - 5wgz mentioned but not cited (2)

  1. Halogenases: a palette of emerging opportunities for synthetic biology-synthetic chemistry and C-H functionalisation. Crowe C, Molyneux S, Sharma SV, Zhang Y, Gkotsi DS, Connaris H, Goss RJM. Chem Soc Rev 50 9443-9481 (2021)
  2. Halogenase engineering and its utility in medicinal chemistry. Fraley AE, Sherman DH. Bioorg Med Chem Lett 28 1992-1999 (2018)

Articles - 5wgz mentioned but not cited (1)

  1. Function and Structure of MalA/MalA', Iterative Halogenases for Late-Stage C-H Functionalization of Indole Alkaloids. Fraley AE, Garcia-Borràs M, Tripathi A, Khare D, Mercado-Marin EV, Tran H, Dan Q, Webb GP, Watts KR, Crews P, Sarpong R, Williams RM, Smith JL, Houk KN, Sherman DH. J Am Chem Soc 139 12060-12068 (2017)

Reviews citing this publication (5)

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  2. Enzymatic CH functionalizations for natural product synthesis. Li F, Zhang X, Renata H. Curr Opin Chem Biol 49 25-32 (2019)
  3. Enzyme evolution in fungal indole alkaloid biosynthesis. Fraley AE, Sherman DH. FEBS J 287 1381-1402 (2020)
  4. Halogenation in Fungi: What Do We Know and What Remains to Be Discovered? Cochereau B, Meslet-Cladière L, Pouchus YF, Grovel O, Roullier C. Molecules 27 3157 (2022)
  5. Naturally Occurring Organohalogen Compounds-A Comprehensive Review. Gribble GW. Prog Chem Org Nat Prod 121 1-546 (2023)

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