Reviews - 6b46 mentioned but not cited (3)
- Keeping crispr in check: diverse mechanisms of phage-encoded anti-crisprs. Trasanidou D, Gerós AS, Mohanraju P, Nieuwenweg AC, Nobrega FL, Staals RHJ. FEMS Microbiol Lett 366 fnz098 (2019)
- Structural insights into the inactivation of CRISPR-Cas systems by diverse anti-CRISPR proteins. Zhu Y, Zhang F, Huang Z. BMC Biol 16 32 (2018)
- Structural insights into the inactivation of the type I-F CRISPR-Cas system by anti-CRISPR proteins. Yang L, Zhang Y, Yin P, Feng Y. RNA Biol 18 562-573 (2021)
Reviews citing this publication (27)
- Cryo-EM in drug discovery: achievements, limitations and prospects. Renaud JP, Chari A, Ciferri C, Liu WT, Rémigy HW, Stark H, Wiesmann C. Nat Rev Drug Discov 17 471-492 (2018)
- Anti-CRISPR protein applications: natural brakes for CRISPR-Cas technologies. Marino ND, Pinilla-Redondo R, Csörgő B, Bondy-Denomy J. Nat Methods 17 471-479 (2020)
- Phage-Encoded Anti-CRISPR Defenses. Stanley SY, Maxwell KL. Annu Rev Genet 52 445-464 (2018)
- Anti-CRISPRs: Protein Inhibitors of CRISPR-Cas Systems. Davidson AR, Lu WT, Stanley SY, Wang J, Mejdani M, Trost CN, Hicks BT, Lee J, Sontheimer EJ. Annu Rev Biochem 89 309-332 (2020)
- Controlling and enhancing CRISPR systems. Shivram H, Cress BF, Knott GJ, Doudna JA. Nat Chem Biol 17 10-19 (2021)
- Structures and Strategies of Anti-CRISPR-Mediated Immune Suppression. Wiegand T, Karambelkar S, Bondy-Denomy J, Wiedenheft B. Annu Rev Microbiol 74 21-37 (2020)
- Meet the Anti-CRISPRs: Widespread Protein Inhibitors of CRISPR-Cas Systems. Hwang S, Maxwell KL. CRISPR J 2 23-30 (2019)
- Structure-based functional mechanisms and biotechnology applications of anti-CRISPR proteins. Jia N, Patel DJ. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol 22 563-579 (2021)
- Protein Inhibitors of CRISPR-Cas9. Bondy-Denomy J. ACS Chem Biol 13 417-423 (2018)
- Structural biology of CRISPR-Cas immunity and genome editing enzymes. Wang JY, Pausch P, Doudna JA. Nat Rev Microbiol 20 641-656 (2022)
- Cryo-EM for Small Molecules Discovery, Design, Understanding, and Application. Scapin G, Potter CS, Carragher B. Cell Chem Biol 25 1318-1325 (2018)
- Chemistry of Class 1 CRISPR-Cas effectors: Binding, editing, and regulation. Liu TY, Doudna JA. J Biol Chem 295 14473-14487 (2020)
- Anti-CRISPRs: The natural inhibitors for CRISPR-Cas systems. Zhang F, Song G, Tian Y. Animal Model Exp Med 2 69-75 (2019)
- Mechanisms of Type I-E and I-F CRISPR-Cas Systems in Enterobacteriaceae. Xue C, Sashital DG. EcoSal Plus 8 (2019)
- New paradigm of functional regulation by DNA mimic proteins: Recent updates. Wang HC, Chou CC, Hsu KC, Lee CH, Wang AH. IUBMB Life 71 539-548 (2019)
- Three New Cs for CRISPR: Collateral, Communicate, Cooperate. Varble A, Marraffini LA. Trends Genet 35 446-456 (2019)
- The Application of the CRISPR-Cas System in Antibiotic Resistance. Tao S, Chen H, Li N, Liang W. Infect Drug Resist 15 4155-4168 (2022)
- Digging into the lesser-known aspects of CRISPR biology. Guzmán NM, Esquerra-Ruvira B, Mojica FJM. Int Microbiol 24 473-498 (2021)
- Types I and V Anti-CRISPR Proteins: From Phage Defense to Eukaryotic Synthetic Gene Circuits. Yu L, Marchisio MA. Front Bioeng Biotechnol 8 575393 (2020)
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- Microbiology catches the cryo-EM bug. Earl LA, Falconieri V, Subramaniam S. Curr Opin Microbiol 43 199-207 (2018)
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- CRISPR-Cas adaptation in Escherichia coli. Mitić D, Bolt EL, Ivančić-Baće I. Biosci Rep 43 BSR20221198 (2023)
- Prospects and Challenges of Bacteriophage Substitution for Antibiotics in Livestock and Poultry Production. Jiang A, Liu Z, Lv X, Zhou C, Ran T, Tan Z. Biology (Basel) 13 28 (2024)
- The Many (Inter)faces of Anti-CRISPRs: Modulation of CRISPR-Cas Structure and Dynamics by Mechanistically Diverse Inhibitors. Belato HB, Lisi GP. Biomolecules 13 264 (2023)
- The Post-Antibiotic Era: A New Dawn for Bacteriophages. Jin Y, Li W, Zhang H, Ba X, Li Z, Zhou J. Biology (Basel) 12 681 (2023)