Articles - 6cll mentioned but not cited (1)
- Analysis of Global and Site-Specific Radiation Damage in Cryo-EM. Hattne J, Shi D, Glynn C, Zee CT, Gallagher-Jones M, Martynowycz MW, Rodriguez JA, Gonen T. Structure 26 759-766.e4 (2018)
Reviews citing this publication (17)
- Challenges and opportunities in cryo-EM single-particle analysis. Lyumkis D. J Biol Chem 294 5181-5197 (2019)
- The cryo-EM method microcrystal electron diffraction (MicroED). Nannenga BL, Gonen T. Nat Methods 16 369-379 (2019)
- CryoEM maps are full of potential. Marques MA, Purdy MD, Yeager M. Curr Opin Struct Biol 58 214-223 (2019)
- MicroED in natural product and small molecule research. Danelius E, Halaby S, van der Donk WA, Gonen T. Nat Prod Rep 38 423-431 (2021)
- Beyond protein structure determination with MicroED. Nguyen C, Gonen T. Curr Opin Struct Biol 64 51-58 (2020)
- The complementarity of serial femtosecond crystallography and MicroED for structure determination from microcrystals. Zatsepin NA, Li C, Colasurd P, Nannenga BL. Curr Opin Struct Biol 58 286-293 (2019)
- Electron Diffraction of 3D Molecular Crystals. Saha A, Nia SS, Rodríguez JA. Chem Rev 122 13883-13914 (2022)
- Metalloprotein catalysis: structural and mechanistic insights into oxidoreductases from neutron protein crystallography. Schröder GC, Meilleur F. Acta Crystallogr D Struct Biol 77 1251-1269 (2021)
- An Overview of Microcrystal Electron Diffraction (MicroED). Mu X, Gillman C, Nguyen C, Gonen T. Annu Rev Biochem 90 431-450 (2021)
- Cryo-electron tomography related radiation-damage parameters for individual-molecule 3D structure determination. Xue H, Zhang M, Liu J, Wang J, Ren G. Front Chem 10 889203 (2022)
- Macromolecular crystallography using microcrystal electron diffraction. Clabbers MTB, Xu H. Acta Crystallogr D Struct Biol 77 313-324 (2021)
- MicroED: conception, practice and future opportunities. Clabbers MTB, Shiriaeva A, Gonen T. IUCrJ 9 169-179 (2022)
- The Evolution and the Advantages of MicroED. Nannenga BL, Bu G, Shi D. Front Mol Biosci 5 114 (2018)
- Growing and making nano- and microcrystals. Shoeman RL, Hartmann E, Schlichting I. Nat Protoc 18 854-882 (2023)
- MicroED for the study of protein-ligand interactions and the potential for drug discovery. Clark LJ, Bu G, Nannenga BL, Gonen T. Nat Rev Chem 5 853-858 (2021)
- Analysis and comparison of electron radiation damage assessments in Cryo-EM by single particle analysis and micro-crystal electron diffraction. Shi D, Huang R. Front Mol Biosci 9 988928 (2022)
- Coming of Age: Cryo-Electron Tomography as a Versatile Tool to Generate High-Resolution Structures at Cellular/Biological Interfaces. Wang Z, Zhang Q, Mim C. Int J Mol Sci 22 6177 (2021)