Reviews - 6erh mentioned but not cited (1)
- Targeting protein-protein interactions in the DNA damage response pathways for cancer chemotherapy. McPherson KS, Korzhnev DM. RSC Chem Biol 2 1167-1195 (2021)
Articles - 6erh mentioned but not cited (5)
Reviews citing this publication (13)
- The molecular basis and disease relevance of non-homologous DNA end joining. Zhao B, Rothenberg E, Ramsden DA, Lieber MR. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol 21 765-781 (2020)
- Repair of DNA Double-Strand Breaks by the Nonhomologous End Joining Pathway. Stinson BM, Loparo JJ. Annu Rev Biochem 90 137-164 (2021)
- The Multifaceted Roles of Ku70/80. Zahid S, Seif El Dahan M, Iehl F, Fernandez-Varela P, Le Du MH, Ropars V, Charbonnier JB. Int J Mol Sci 22 4134 (2021)
- X-ray scattering reveals disordered linkers and dynamic interfaces in complexes and mechanisms for DNA double-strand break repair impacting cell and cancer biology. Hammel M, Tainer JA. Protein Sci 30 1735-1756 (2021)
- Preserving genome integrity in human cells via DNA double-strand break repair. Jensen RB, Rothenberg E. Mol Biol Cell 31 859-865 (2020)
- The Ku complex: recent advances and emerging roles outside of non-homologous end-joining. Abbasi S, Parmar G, Kelly RD, Balasuriya N, Schild-Poulter C. Cell Mol Life Sci 78 4589-4613 (2021)
- DNA End Joining: G0-ing to the Core. Frock RL, Sadeghi C, Meng J, Wang JL. Biomolecules 11 1487 (2021)
- A Link between Replicative Stress, Lamin Proteins, and Inflammation. Willaume S, Rass E, Fontanilla-Ramirez P, Moussa A, Wanschoor P, Bertrand P. Genes (Basel) 12 552 (2021)
- Cytokines, JAK-STAT Signaling and Radiation-Induced DNA Repair in Solid Tumors: Novel Opportunities for Radiation Therapy. Hall WA, Sabharwal L, Udhane V, Maranto C, Nevalainen MT. Int J Biochem Cell Biol 127 105827 (2020)
- Druggable binding sites in the multicomponent assemblies that characterise DNA double-strand-break repair through non-homologous end joining. Kefala Stavridi A, Appleby R, Liang S, Blundell TL, Chaplin AK. Essays Biochem 64 791-806 (2020)
- DNA Repair in Haploid Context. Mourrain L, Boissonneault G. Int J Mol Sci 22 12418 (2021)
- Double-Stranded Break Repair in Mammalian Cells and Precise Genome Editing. Ali A, Xiao W, Babar ME, Bi Y. Genes (Basel) 13 737 (2022)
- Holding it together: DNA end synapsis during non-homologous end joining. Loparo JJ. DNA Repair (Amst) 130 103553 (2023)