6gb2 Citations

Unique features of mammalian mitochondrial translation initiation revealed by cryo-EM.

Nature 560 263-267 (2018)
Related entries: 6gaw, 6gaz

Cited: 54 times
EuropePMC logo PMID: 30089917


Mitochondria maintain their own specialized protein synthesis machinery, which in mammals is used exclusively for the synthesis of the membrane proteins responsible for oxidative phosphorylation1,2. The initiation of protein synthesis in mitochondria differs substantially from bacterial or cytosolic translation systems. Mitochondrial translation initiation lacks initiation factor 1, which is essential in all other translation systems from bacteria to mammals3,4. Furthermore, only one type of methionyl transfer RNA (tRNAMet) is used for both initiation and elongation4,5, necessitating that the initiation factor specifically recognizes the formylated version of tRNAMet (fMet-tRNAMet). Lastly, most mitochondrial mRNAs do not possess 5' leader sequences to promote mRNA binding to the ribosome2. There is currently little mechanistic insight into mammalian mitochondrial translation initiation, and it is not clear how mRNA engagement, initiator-tRNA recruitment and start-codon selection occur. Here we determine the cryo-EM structure of the complete translation initiation complex from mammalian mitochondria at 3.2 Å. We describe the function of an additional domain insertion that is present in the mammalian mitochondrial initiation factor 2 (mtIF2). By closing the decoding centre, this insertion stabilizes the binding of leaderless mRNAs and induces conformational changes in the rRNA nucleotides involved in decoding. We identify unique features of mtIF2 that are required for specific recognition of fMet-tRNAMet and regulation of its GTPase activity. Finally, we observe that the ribosomal tunnel in the initiating ribosome is blocked by insertion of the N-terminal portion of mitochondrial protein mL45, which becomes exposed as the ribosome switches to elongation mode and may have an additional role in targeting of mitochondrial ribosomes to the protein-conducting pore in the inner mitochondrial membrane.

Reviews citing this publication (14)

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  2. Transport of Proteins into Mitochondria. Hansen KG, Herrmann JM. Protein J 38 330-342 (2019)
  3. Mitochondrial Protein Translation: Emerging Roles and Clinical Significance in Disease. Wang F, Zhang D, Zhang D, Li P, Gao Y. Front Cell Dev Biol 9 675465 (2021)
  4. Organization and expression of the mammalian mitochondrial genome. Rackham O, Filipovska A. Nat Rev Genet 23 606-623 (2022)
  5. The Diseased Mitoribosome. Ferrari A, Del'Olio S, Barrientos A. FEBS Lett 595 1025-1061 (2021)
  6. Human Mitoribosome Biogenesis and Its Emerging Links to Disease. Lopez Sanchez MIG, Krüger A, Shiriaev DI, Liu Y, Rorbach J. Int J Mol Sci 22 3827 (2021)
  7. Recent Advances in Archaeal Translation Initiation. Schmitt E, Coureux PD, Kazan R, Bourgeois G, Lazennec-Schurdevin C, Mechulam Y. Front Microbiol 11 584152 (2020)
  8. Regulation of translation by one-carbon metabolism in bacteria and eukaryotic organelles. Shetty S, Varshney U. J Biol Chem 296 100088 (2021)
  9. Translation initiation in mammalian mitochondria- a prokaryotic perspective. Ayyub SA, Varshney U. RNA Biol 17 165-175 (2020)
  10. Targeting and Insertion of Membrane Proteins in Mitochondria. Eaglesfield R, Tokatlidis K. Front Cell Dev Biol 9 803205 (2021)
  11. Epitranscriptomics of Mammalian Mitochondrial Ribosomal RNA. Laptev I, Dontsova O, Sergiev P. Cells 9 E2181 (2020)
  12. Is mitochondrial gene expression coordinated or stochastic? Lee RG, Rudler DL, Rackham O, Filipovska A. Biochem Soc Trans 46 1239-1246 (2018)
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  14. Types and Functions of Mitoribosome-Specific Ribosomal Proteins across Eukaryotes. Scaltsoyiannes V, Corre N, Waltz F, Giegé P. Int J Mol Sci 23 3474 (2022)

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