6o20 Citations

Structural insight into TRPV5 channel function and modulation.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 116 8869-8878 (2019)
Related entries: 6o1n, 6o1p, 6o1u

Cited: 54 times
EuropePMC logo PMID: 30975749


TRPV5 (transient receptor potential vanilloid 5) is a unique calcium-selective TRP channel essential for calcium homeostasis. Unlike other TRPV channels, TRPV5 and its close homolog, TRPV6, do not exhibit thermosensitivity or ligand-dependent activation but are constitutively open at physiological membrane potentials and modulated by calmodulin (CaM) in a calcium-dependent manner. Here we report high-resolution electron cryomicroscopy structures of truncated and full-length TRPV5 in lipid nanodiscs, as well as of a TRPV5 W583A mutant and TRPV5 in complex with CaM. These structures highlight the mechanism of calcium regulation and reveal a flexible stoichiometry of CaM binding to TRPV5.

Reviews - 6o20 mentioned but not cited (4)

  1. Structural insights into the gating mechanisms of TRPV channels. Pumroy RA, Fluck EC, Ahmed T, Moiseenkova-Bell VY. Cell Calcium 87 102168 (2020)
  2. Ligand-Binding Sites in Vanilloid-Subtype TRP Channels. Yelshanskaya MV, Sobolevsky AI. Front Pharmacol 13 900623 (2022)
  3. High-resolution structures of transient receptor potential vanilloid channels: Unveiling a functionally diverse group of ion channels. van Goor MK, de Jager L, Cheng Y, van der Wijst J. Protein Sci 29 1569-1580 (2020)
  4. Atomistic Insights of Calmodulin Gating of Complete Ion Channels. Núñez E, Muguruza-Montero A, Villarroel A. Int J Mol Sci 21 E1285 (2020)

Articles - 6o20 mentioned but not cited (3)

  1. Structural insight into TRPV5 channel function and modulation. Dang S, van Goor MK, Asarnow D, Wang Y, Julius D, Cheng Y, van der Wijst J. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 116 8869-8878 (2019)
  2. Anisotropic thermal expansion of La(n)(Ti,Fe)(n)O(3n + 2) (n = 5 and 6). Wölfel A, Dorscht P, Lichtenberg F, van Smaalen S. Acta Crystallogr B Struct Sci Cryst Eng Mater 69 137-144 (2013)
  3. Intracellular Helix-Loop-Helix Domain Modulates Inactivation Kinetics of Mammalian TRPV5 and TRPV6 Channels. Flores-Aldama L, Bustos D, Cabezas-Bratesco D, Gonzalez W, Brauchi SE. Int J Mol Sci 24 4470 (2023)

Reviews citing this publication (13)

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  2. Drug discovery in the era of cryo-electron microscopy. Robertson MJ, Meyerowitz JG, Skiniotis G. Trends Biochem Sci 47 124-135 (2022)
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  5. Structure and function of the calcium-selective TRP channel TRPV6. Yelshanskaya MV, Nadezhdin KD, Kurnikova MG, Sobolevsky AI. J Physiol 599 2673-2697 (2021)
  6. Assessing the Role of Lipids in the Molecular Mechanism of Membrane Proteins. Jodaitis L, van Oene T, Martens C. Int J Mol Sci 22 7267 (2021)
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  8. Simulation and Machine Learning Methods for Ion-Channel Structure Determination, Mechanistic Studies and Drug Design. Zhu Z, Deng Z, Wang Q, Wang Y, Zhang D, Xu R, Guo L, Wen H. Front Pharmacol 13 939555 (2022)
  9. TRP Channels in Cancer: Signaling Mechanisms and Translational Approaches. Marini M, Titiz M, Souza Monteiro de Araújo D, Geppetti P, Nassini R, De Logu F. Biomolecules 13 1557 (2023)
  10. Alterations in the microenvironment and the effects produced of TRPV5 in osteoporosis. Luo ZH, Ma JX, Zhang W, Tian AX, Gong SW, Li Y, Lai YX, Ma XL. J Transl Med 21 327 (2023)
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