Reviews - 6t0w mentioned but not cited (1)
- Revisiting Viral RNA-Dependent RNA Polymerases: Insights from Recent Structural Studies. Ramaswamy K, Rashid M, Ramasamy S, Jayavelu T, Venkataraman S. Viruses 14 2200 (2022)
Reviews citing this publication (16)
- Structural insights into RNA polymerases of negative-sense RNA viruses. Te Velthuis AJW, Grimes JM, Fodor E. Nat Rev Microbiol 19 303-318 (2021)
- Structure and Function of Influenza Polymerase. Wandzik JM, Kouba T, Cusack S. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med 11 a038372 (2021)
- Combining high throughput and high quality for cryo-electron microscopy data collection. Weis F, Hagen WJH. Acta Crystallogr D Struct Biol 76 724-728 (2020)
- Hemagglutinin Subtype Specificity and Mechanisms of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Virus Genesis. de Bruin ACM, Funk M, Spronken MI, Gultyaev AP, Fouchier RAM, Richard M. Viruses 14 1566 (2022)
- The mechanism of genome replication and transcription in bunyaviruses. Malet H, Williams HM, Cusack S, Rosenthal M. PLoS Pathog 19 e1011060 (2023)
- Influenza Virus RNA Synthesis and the Innate Immune Response. Weis S, Te Velthuis AJW. Viruses 13 780 (2021)
- Inhibition of Influenza Virus Polymerase by Interfering with Its Protein-Protein Interactions. Massari S, Desantis J, Nizi MG, Cecchetti V, Tabarrini O. ACS Infect Dis 7 1332-1350 (2021)
- The influenza virus RNA polymerase as an innate immune agonist and antagonist. Elshina E, Te Velthuis AJW. Cell Mol Life Sci 78 7237-7256 (2021)
- Influenza viruses and coronaviruses: Knowns, unknowns, and common research challenges. Terrier O, Si-Tahar M, Ducatez M, Chevalier C, Pizzorno A, Le Goffic R, Crépin T, Simon G, Naffakh N. PLoS Pathog 17 e1010106 (2021)
- Organization of the Influenza A Virus Genomic RNA in the Viral Replication Cycle-Structure, Interactions, and Implications for the Emergence of New Strains. Piasecka J, Jarmolowicz A, Kierzek E. Pathogens 9 E951 (2020)
- CoV-er all the bases: Structural perspectives of SARS-CoV-2 RNA synthesis. Malone B, Campbell EA, Darst SA. Enzymes 49 1-37 (2021)
- CryoEM of Viral Ribonucleoproteins and Nucleocapsids of Single-Stranded RNA Viruses. Modrego A, Carlero D, Arranz R, Martín-Benito J. Viruses 15 653 (2023)
- Negative and ambisense RNA virus ribonucleocapsids: more than protective armor. Sabsay KR, Te Velthuis AJW. Microbiol Mol Biol Rev 87 e0008223 (2023)
- Recent Advances in DNA Nanotechnology-Enabled Biosensors for Virus Detection. Yuwen L, Zhang S, Chao J. Biosensors (Basel) 13 822 (2023)
- Sendai Virus and a Unified Model of Mononegavirus RNA Synthesis. Kolakofsky D, Le Mercier P, Nishio M, Blackledge M, Crépin T, Ruigrok RWH. Viruses 13 2466 (2021)
- The Influenza A Virus Replication Cycle: A Comprehensive Review. Carter T, Iqbal M. Viruses 16 316 (2024)