6tti Citations

Fragment-based drug discovery using cryo-EM.

Drug Discov Today 25 485-490 (2020)
Related entries: 6tsh, 6tsk, 6tte, 6ttf, 6tth, 6ttq

Cited: 28 times
EuropePMC logo PMID: 31877353


Recent advances in electron cryo-microscopy (cryo-EM) structure determination have pushed the resolutions obtainable by the method into the range widely considered to be of utility for drug discovery. Here, we review the use of cryo-EM in fragment-based drug discovery (FBDD) based on in-house method development. We demonstrate not only that cryo-EM can reveal details of the molecular interactions between fragments and a protein, but also that the current reproducibility, quality, and throughput are compatible with FBDD. We exemplify this using the test system β-galactosidase (Bgal) and the oncology target pyruvate kinase 2 (PKM2).

Reviews - 6tti mentioned but not cited (1)

  1. Applications and prospects of cryo-EM in drug discovery. Zhu KF, Yuan C, Du YM, Sun KL, Zhang XK, Vogel H, Jia XD, Gao YZ, Zhang QF, Wang DP, Zhang HW. Mil Med Res 10 10 (2023)

Articles - 6tti mentioned but not cited (1)

  1. ChemEM: Flexible Docking of Small Molecules in Cryo-EM Structures. Sweeney A, Mulvaney T, Maiorca M, Topf M. J Med Chem 67 199-212 (2024)

Reviews citing this publication (14)

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  3. Fragment-to-Lead Medicinal Chemistry Publications in 2020. de Esch IJP, Erlanson DA, Jahnke W, Johnson CN, Walsh L. J Med Chem 65 84-99 (2022)
  4. Cryo-EM as a powerful tool for drug discovery. Van Drie JH, Tong L. Bioorg Med Chem Lett 30 127524 (2020)
  5. Drug discovery in the era of cryo-electron microscopy. Robertson MJ, Meyerowitz JG, Skiniotis G. Trends Biochem Sci 47 124-135 (2022)
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  8. Membranes under the Magnetic Lens: A Dive into the Diverse World of Membrane Protein Structures Using Cryo-EM. Piper SJ, Johnson RM, Wootten D, Sexton PM. Chem Rev 122 13989-14017 (2022)
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  14. Cryo-electron microscopy-based drug design. Cebi E, Lee J, Subramani VK, Bak N, Oh C, Kim KK. Front Mol Biosci 11 1342179 (2024)

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