6u8n Citations

Cryo-EM structures demonstrate human IMPDH2 filament assembly tunes allosteric regulation.

OpenAccess logo Elife 9 (2020)
Related entries: 6u8e, 6u8r, 6u8s, 6u9o, 6ua2, 6ua4, 6ua5, 6uaj, 6uc2, 6udo, 6udp, 6udq

Cited: 29 times
EuropePMC logo PMID: 31999252


Inosine monophosphate dehydrogenase (IMPDH) mediates the first committed step in guanine nucleotide biosynthesis and plays important roles in cellular proliferation and the immune response. IMPDH reversibly polymerizes in cells and tissues in response to changes in metabolic demand. Self-assembly of metabolic enzymes is increasingly recognized as a general mechanism for regulating activity, typically by stabilizing specific conformations of an enzyme, but the regulatory role of IMPDH filaments has remained unclear. Here, we report a series of human IMPDH2 cryo-EM structures in both active and inactive conformations. The structures define the mechanism of filament assembly, and reveal how filament-dependent allosteric regulation of IMPDH2 makes the enzyme less sensitive to feedback inhibition, explaining why assembly occurs under physiological conditions that require expansion of guanine nucleotide pools. Tuning sensitivity to an allosteric inhibitor distinguishes IMPDH from other metabolic filaments, and highlights the diversity of regulatory outcomes that can emerge from self-assembly.

Articles - 6u8n mentioned but not cited (4)

  1. IMPDH1 retinal variants control filament architecture to tune allosteric regulation. Burrell AL, Nie C, Said M, Simonet JC, Fernández-Justel D, Johnson MC, Quispe J, Buey RM, Peterson JR, Kollman JM. Nat Struct Mol Biol 29 47-58 (2022)
  2. Diversity of mechanisms to control bacterial GTP homeostasis by the mutually exclusive binding of adenine and guanine nucleotides to IMP dehydrogenase. Fernández-Justel D, Marcos-Alcalde Í, Abascal F, Vidaña N, Gómez-Puertas P, Jiménez A, Revuelta JL, Buey RM. Protein Sci 31 e4314 (2022)
  3. Neurodevelopmental disorder mutations in the purine biosynthetic enzyme IMPDH2 disrupt its allosteric regulation. O'Neill AG, Burrell AL, Zech M, Elpeleg O, Harel T, Edvardson S, Mor-Shaked H, Rippert AL, Nomakuchi T, Izumi K, Kollman JM. J Biol Chem 299 105012 (2023)
  4. research-article Point mutations in IMPDH2 which cause early-onset neurodevelopmental disorders disrupt enzyme regulation and filament structure. O'Neill AG, Burrell AL, Zech M, Elpeleg O, Harel T, Edvardson S, Shaked HM, Rippert AL, Nomakuchi T, Izumi K, Kollman JM. bioRxiv 2023.03.15.532669 (2023)

Reviews citing this publication (6)

  1. Targeting cancer metabolism in the era of precision oncology. Stine ZE, Schug ZT, Salvino JM, Dang CV. Nat Rev Drug Discov 21 141-162 (2022)
  2. Filament formation by metabolic enzymes-A new twist on regulation. Lynch EM, Kollman JM, Webb BA. Curr Opin Cell Biol 66 28-33 (2020)
  3. GTP metabolic reprogramming by IMPDH2: unlocking cancer cells' fuelling mechanism. Kofuji S, Sasaki AT. J Biochem 168 319-328 (2020)
  4. IMPDH dysregulation in disease: a mini review. Burrell AL, Kollman JM. Biochem Soc Trans 50 71-82 (2022)
  5. Greater than the sum of parts: Mechanisms of metabolic regulation by enzyme filaments. Hvorecny KL, Kollman JM. Curr Opin Struct Biol 79 102530 (2023)
  6. The gateway to guanine nucleotides: Allosteric regulation of IMP dehydrogenases. Buey RM, Fernández-Justel D, Jiménez A, Revuelta JL. Protein Sci 31 e4399 (2022)

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