6uge Citations

Katanin Grips the β-Tubulin Tail through an Electropositive Double Spiral to Sever Microtubules.

Dev Cell 52 118-131.e6 (2020)
Related entries: 6ugd, 6ugf

Cited: 28 times
EuropePMC logo PMID: 31735665


The AAA ATPase katanin severs microtubules. It is critical in cell division, centriole biogenesis, and neuronal morphogenesis. Its mutation causes microcephaly. The microtubule templates katanin hexamerization and activates its ATPase. The structural basis for these activities and how they lead to severing is unknown. Here, we show that β-tubulin tails are necessary and sufficient for severing. Cryoelectron microscopy (cryo-EM) structures reveal the essential tubulin tail glutamates gripped by a double spiral of electropositive loops lining the katanin central pore. Each spiral couples allosterically to the ATPase and binds alternating, successive substrate residues, with consecutive residues coordinated by adjacent protomers. This tightly couples tail binding, hexamerization, and ATPase activation. Hexamer structures in different states suggest an ATPase-driven, ratchet-like translocation of the tubulin tail through the pore. A disordered region outside the AAA core anchors katanin to the microtubule while the AAA motor exerts the forces that extract tubulin dimers and sever the microtubule.

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  1. Katanin Grips the β-Tubulin Tail through an Electropositive Double Spiral to Sever Microtubules. Zehr EA, Szyk A, Szczesna E, Roll-Mecak A. Dev Cell 52 118-131.e6 (2020)
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Reviews citing this publication (6)

  1. Cutting, Amplifying, and Aligning Microtubules with Severing Enzymes. Kuo YW, Howard J. Trends Cell Biol 31 50-61 (2021)
  2. Tubulin post-translational modifications control neuronal development and functions. Moutin MJ, Bosc C, Peris L, Andrieux A. Dev Neurobiol 81 253-272 (2021)
  3. AAA+ ATPases: structural insertions under the magnifying glass. Jessop M, Felix J, Gutsche I. Curr Opin Struct Biol 66 119-128 (2021)
  4. The Mammalian Family of Katanin Microtubule-Severing Enzymes. Lynn NA, Martinez E, Nguyen H, Torres JZ. Front Cell Dev Biol 9 692040 (2021)
  5. Impact of the 'tubulin economy' on the formation and function of the microtubule cytoskeleton. Ohi R, Strothman C, Zanic M. Curr Opin Cell Biol 68 81-89 (2021)
  6. Finding a right place to cut: How katanin is targeted to cellular severing sites. Nakamura M, Yagi N, Hashimoto T. Quant Plant Biol 3 e8 (2022)

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