Articles - 6z9q mentioned but not cited (1)
- Steps toward translocation-independent RNA polymerase inactivation by terminator ATPase ρ. Said N, Hilal T, Sunday ND, Khatri A, Bürger J, Mielke T, Belogurov GA, Loll B, Sen R, Artsimovitch I, Wahl MC. Science 371 eabd1673 (2021)
Reviews citing this publication (13)
- Mechanisms of hexameric helicases. Fernandez AJ, Berger JM. Crit Rev Biochem Mol Biol 56 621-639 (2021)
- The many faces of RNA-based RNase P, an RNA-world relic. Phan HD, Lai LB, Zahurancik WJ, Gopalan V. Trends Biochem Sci 46 976-991 (2021)
- Bacterial transcription during growth arrest. Bergkessel M. Transcription 12 232-249 (2021)
- RNA polymerases from low G+C gram-positive bacteria. Miller M, Oakley AJ, Lewis PJ. Transcription 12 92-102 (2021)
- Rho-dependent transcription termination: a revisionist view. Hao Z, Svetlov V, Nudler E. Transcription 12 171-181 (2021)
- Composition of Transcription Machinery and Its Crosstalk with Nucleoid-Associated Proteins and Global Transcription Factors. Muskhelishvili G, Sobetzko P, Mehandziska S, Travers A. Biomolecules 11 924 (2021)
- Macromolecular assemblies supporting transcription-translation coupling. Webster MW, Weixlbaumer A. Transcription 12 103-125 (2021)
- Structural advances in transcription elongation. Mohamed AA, Vazquez Nunez R, Vos SM. Curr Opin Struct Biol 75 102422 (2022)
- β-CASP proteins removing RNA polymerase from DNA: when a torpedo is needed to shoot a sitting duck. Wiedermannová J, Krásný L. Nucleic Acids Res 49 10221-10234 (2021)
- Coupled Transcription-Translation in Prokaryotes: An Old Couple With New Surprises. Irastortza-Olaziregi M, Amster-Choder O. Front Microbiol 11 624830 (2020)
- Factor-stimulated intrinsic termination: getting by with a little help from some friends. Mandell ZF, Zemba D, Babitzke P. Transcription 13 96-108 (2022)
- NusG, an Ancient Yet Rapidly Evolving Transcription Factor. Wang B, Artsimovitch I. Front Microbiol 11 619618 (2020)
- Suppressor Mutants: History and Today's Applications. Bautista DE, Carr JF, Mitchell AM. EcoSal Plus 9 eESP00372020 (2021)