7a5i Citations

Elongational stalling activates mitoribosome-associated quality control.

Science 370 1105-1110 (2020)
Related entries: 7a5f, 7a5g, 7a5h, 7a5j, 7a5k

Cited: 48 times
EuropePMC logo PMID: 33243891


The human mitochondrial ribosome (mitoribosome) and associated proteins regulate the synthesis of 13 essential subunits of the oxidative phosphorylation complexes. We report the discovery of a mitoribosome-associated quality control pathway that responds to interruptions during elongation, and we present structures at 3.1- to 3.3-angstrom resolution of mitoribosomal large subunits trapped during ribosome rescue. Release factor homolog C12orf65 (mtRF-R) and RNA binding protein C6orf203 (MTRES1) eject the nascent chain and peptidyl transfer RNA (tRNA), respectively, from stalled ribosomes. Recruitment of mitoribosome biogenesis factors to these quality control intermediates suggests additional roles for these factors during mitoribosome rescue. We also report related cryo-electron microscopy structures (3.7 to 4.4 angstrom resolution) of elongating mitoribosomes bound to tRNAs, nascent polypeptides, the guanosine triphosphatase elongation factors mtEF-Tu and mtEF-G1, and the Oxa1L translocase.

Reviews - 7a5i mentioned but not cited (1)

  1. Maintaining mitochondrial ribosome function: The role of ribosome rescue and recycling factors. Nadler F, Lavdovskaia E, Richter-Dennerlein R. RNA Biol 19 117-131 (2022)

Reviews citing this publication (16)

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  4. Detecting and Rescuing Stalled Ribosomes. Yip MCJ, Shao S. Trends Biochem Sci 46 731-743 (2021)
  5. Ribosome Rescue Pathways in Bacteria. Müller C, Crowe-McAuliffe C, Wilson DN. Front Microbiol 12 652980 (2021)
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  9. Bacterial Ribosome Rescue Systems. Kurita D, Himeno H. Microorganisms 10 372 (2022)
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  11. RNA binding protein: coordinated expression between the nuclear and mitochondrial genomes in tumors. Ma J, Sun L, Gao W, Li Y, Dong D. J Transl Med 21 512 (2023)
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