7cj0 Citations

DNAJC9 integrates heat shock molecular chaperones into the histone chaperone network.


From biosynthesis to assembly into nucleosomes, histones are handed through a cascade of histone chaperones, which shield histones from non-specific interactions. Whether mechanisms exist to safeguard the histone fold during histone chaperone handover events or to release trapped intermediates is unclear. Using structure-guided and functional proteomics, we identify and characterize a histone chaperone function of DNAJC9, a heat shock co-chaperone that promotes HSP70-mediated catalysis. We elucidate the structure of DNAJC9, in a histone H3-H4 co-chaperone complex with MCM2, revealing how this dual histone and heat shock co-chaperone binds histone substrates. We show that DNAJC9 recruits HSP70-type enzymes via its J domain to fold histone H3-H4 substrates: upstream in the histone supply chain, during replication- and transcription-coupled nucleosome assembly, and to clean up spurious interactions. With its dual functionality, DNAJC9 integrates ATP-resourced protein folding into the histone supply pathway to resolve aberrant intermediates throughout the dynamic lives of histones.

Articles - 7cj0 mentioned but not cited (1)

  1. DNAJC9 integrates heat shock molecular chaperones into the histone chaperone network. Hammond CM, Bao H, Hendriks IA, Carraro M, García-Nieto A, Liu Y, Reverón-Gómez N, Spanos C, Chen L, Rappsilber J, Nielsen ML, Patel DJ, Huang H, Groth A. Mol Cell 81 2533-2548.e9 (2021)

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