7dn2 Citations

Acid-stable capsid structure of Helicobacter pylori bacteriophage KHP30 by single-particle cryoelectron microscopy.

Structure 30 300-312.e3 (2022)
Related entries: 7dou, 7f2p

Cited: 4 times
EuropePMC logo PMID: 34597601


The acid-stable capsid structures of Helicobacter pylori phages KHP30 and KHP40 are solved at 2.7 and 3.0 Å resolutions by cryoelectron microscopy, respectively. The capsids have icosahedral T = 9 symmetry and consist of each 540 copies of 2 structural proteins, a major capsid protein, and a cement protein. The major capsid proteins form 12 pentagonal capsomeres occupying icosahedral vertexes and 80 hexagonal capsomeres located at icosahedral faces and edges. The major capsid protein has a unique protruding loop extending to the neighboring subunit that stabilizes hexagonal capsomeres. Furthermore, the capsid is decorated with trimeric cement proteins with a jelly roll motif. The cement protein trimer sits on the quasi-three-fold axis formed by three major capsid protein capsomeres, thereby enhancing the particle stability by connecting these capsomeres. Sequence and structure comparisons between the related Helicobacter pylori phages suggest a possible mechanism of phage adaptation to the human gastric environment.

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