7e4r Citations

C3 ester side chain plays a pivotal role in the antitumor activity of Maytansinoids.

Biochem Biophys Res Commun 566 197-203 (2021)
Related entries: 7e4q, 7e4z

Cited: 3 times
EuropePMC logo PMID: 34144258


Maytansinoids, the chemical derivatives of Maytansine, are commonly used as potent cytotoxic payloads in antibody-drug conjugates (ADC). Structure-activity-relationship studies had identified the C3 ester side chain as a critical element for antitumor activity of maytansinoids. The maytansinoids bearing the methyl group at C3 position with D configuration were about 100 to 400-fold less cytotoxic than their corresponding L-epimers toward various cell lines. The detailed mechanism of how chirality affects the anticancer activity remains elusive. In this study, we determined the high-resolution crystal structure of tubulin in complex with maytansinol, L-DM1-SMe and D-DM1-SMe. And we found the carbonyl oxygen atom of the ester moiety and the tail thiomethyl group at C3 side chain of L-DM1-SMe form strong intramolecular interaction with the hydroxyl at position 9 and the benzene ring, respectively, fixing the bioactive conformation and enhancing the binding affinity. Additionally, ligand-based and structure-based virtually screening methods were used to screen the commercially macrocyclic compounds library, and 15 macrocyclic structures were picketed out as putatively new maytansine-site inhibitors. Our study provides a possible strategy for the rational discovery of next-generation maytansine site inhibitors.

Reviews citing this publication (2)

  1. Antibody-drug conjugates: Recent advances in payloads. Wang Z, Li H, Gou L, Li W, Wang Y. Acta Pharm Sin B 13 4025-4059 (2023)
  2. Analogues of Anticancer Natural Products: Chiral Aspects. Valentová J, Lintnerová L, Miklášová N, Oboňová B, Habala L. Int J Mol Sci 24 5679 (2023)

Articles citing this publication (1)

  1. Maytansinol Derivatives: Side Reactions as a Chance for New Tubulin Binders. Marzullo P, Boiarska Z, Pérez-Peña H, Abel AC, Álvarez-Bernad B, Lucena-Agell D, Vasile F, Sironi M, Altmann KH, Prota AE, Díaz JF, Pieraccini S, Passarella D. Chemistry 28 e202103520 (2022)