Reviews - 7li3 mentioned but not cited (2)
- LRRK2 at Striatal Synapses: Cell-Type Specificity and Mechanistic Insights. Skelton PD, Tokars V, Parisiadou L. Cells 11 169 (2022)
- Structural Insights and Development of LRRK2 Inhibitors for Parkinson's Disease in the Last Decade. Thakur G, Kumar V, Lee KW, Won C. Genes (Basel) 13 1426 (2022)
Articles - 7li3 mentioned but not cited (1)
Reviews citing this publication (14)
- LRRK2 and idiopathic Parkinson's disease. Rocha EM, Keeney MT, Di Maio R, De Miranda BR, Greenamyre JT. Trends Neurosci 45 224-236 (2022)
- LRRK2 Targeting Strategies as Potential Treatment of Parkinson's Disease. Wojewska DN, Kortholt A. Biomolecules 11 1101 (2021)
- LRRK2 mutant knock-in mouse models: therapeutic relevance in Parkinson's disease. Chang EES, Ho PW, Liu HF, Pang SY, Leung CT, Malki Y, Choi ZY, Ramsden DB, Ho SL. Transl Neurodegener 11 10 (2022)
- Structural Biology of LRRK2 and its Interaction with Microtubules. Leschziner AE, Reck-Peterson SL. Mov Disord 36 2494-2504 (2021)
- Genetic variations in GBA1 and LRRK2 genes: Biochemical and clinical consequences in Parkinson disease. Smith LJ, Lee CY, Menozzi E, Schapira AHV. Front Neurol 13 971252 (2022)
- Neuroinflammation in Parkinson's Disease: From Gene to Clinic: A Systematic Review. Castillo-Rangel C, Marin G, Hernández-Contreras KA, Vichi-Ramírez MM, Zarate-Calderon C, Torres-Pineda O, Diaz-Chiguer DL, De la Mora González D, Gómez Apo E, Teco-Cortes JA, Santos-Paez FM, Coello-Torres MLÁ, Baldoncini M, Reyes Soto G, Aranda-Abreu GE, García LI. Int J Mol Sci 24 5792 (2023)
- Review of the epidemiology and variability of LRRK2 non-p.Gly2019Ser pathogenic mutations in Parkinson's disease. Turski P, Chaberska I, Szukało P, Pyska P, Milanowski Ł, Szlufik S, Figura M, Hoffman-Zacharska D, Siuda J, Koziorowski D. Front Neurosci 16 971270 (2022)
- The Double-Faceted Role of Leucine-Rich Repeat Kinase 2 in the Immunopathogenesis of Parkinson's Disease. Zhang M, Li C, Ren J, Wang H, Yi F, Wu J, Tang Y. Front Aging Neurosci 14 909303 (2022)
- Perspective on the current state of the LRRK2 field. Taymans JM, Fell M, Greenamyre T, Hirst WD, Mamais A, Padmanabhan S, Peter I, Rideout H, Thaler A. NPJ Parkinsons Dis 9 104 (2023)
- Roc, the G-domain of the Parkinson's disease-associated protein LRRK2. Park Y, Liao J, Hoang QQ. Trends Biochem Sci 47 1038-1047 (2022)
- Insights into the cellular consequences of LRRK2-mediated Rab protein phosphorylation. Fasiczka R, Naaldijk Y, Brahmia B, Hilfiker S. Biochem Soc Trans 51 587-595 (2023)
- LRRK2 Structure-Based Activation Mechanism and Pathogenesis. Zhang X, Kortholt A. Biomolecules 13 612 (2023)
- Overview of the Impact of Pathogenic LRRK2 Mutations in Parkinson's Disease. Ito G, Utsunomiya-Tate N. Biomolecules 13 845 (2023)
- An Update on the Interplay between LRRK2, Rab GTPases and Parkinson's Disease. Komori T, Kuwahara T. Biomolecules 13 1645 (2023)