7ls0 Citations

Structural basis for ligand reception by anaplastic lymphoma kinase.


The proto-oncogene ALK encodes anaplastic lymphoma kinase, a receptor tyrosine kinase that is expressed primarily in the developing nervous system. After development, ALK activity is associated with learning and memory1 and controls energy expenditure, and inhibition of ALK can prevent diet-induced obesity2. Aberrant ALK signalling causes numerous cancers3. In particular, full-length ALK is an important driver in paediatric neuroblastoma4,5, in which it is either mutated6 or activated by ligand7. Here we report crystal structures of the extracellular glycine-rich domain (GRD) of ALK, which regulates receptor activity by binding to activating peptides8,9. Fusing the ALK GRD to its ligand enabled us to capture a dimeric receptor complex that reveals how ALK responds to its regulatory ligands. We show that repetitive glycines in the GRD form rigid helices that separate the major ligand-binding site from a distal polyglycine extension loop (PXL) that mediates ALK dimerization. The PXL of one receptor acts as a sensor for the complex by interacting with a ligand-bound second receptor. ALK activation can be abolished through PXL mutation or with PXL-targeting antibodies. Together, these results explain how ALK uses its atypical architecture for its regulation, and suggest new therapeutic opportunities for ALK-expressing cancers such as paediatric neuroblastoma.

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Reviews citing this publication (5)

  1. Nanotechnology-Based Diagnostic and Therapeutic Strategies for Neuroblastoma. Yan H, Zhai B, Yang F, Chen Z, Zhou Q, Paiva-Santos AC, Yuan Z, Zhou Y. Front Pharmacol 13 908713 (2022)
  2. A narrative review of methods for the identification of ALK fusions in patients with non-small cell lung carcinoma. Hernandez S, Conde E, Alonso M, Illarramendi A, Bote de Cabo H, Zugazagoitia J, Paz-Ares L, Lopez-Rios F. Transl Lung Cancer Res 12 1549-1562 (2023)
  3. Unraveling the Potential of ALK-Targeted Therapies in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: Comprehensive Insights and Future Directions. Parvaresh H, Roozitalab G, Golandam F, Behzadi P, Jabbarzadeh Kaboli P. Biomedicines 12 297 (2024)
  4. Metabolic protein kinase signalling in neuroblastoma. Smiles WJ, Catalano L, Stefan VE, Weber DD, Kofler B. Mol Metab 75 101771 (2023)
  5. Multifaceted Roles of ALK Family Receptors and Augmentor Ligands in Health and Disease: A Comprehensive Review. Katic L, Priscan A. Biomolecules 13 1490 (2023)

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