7n8b Citations

CryoEM structures of pseudouridine-free ribosome suggest impacts of chemical modifications on ribosome conformations.

Structure 30 983-992.e5 (2022)
Related entries: 7mpi, 7mpj

Cited: 12 times
EuropePMC logo PMID: 35489333


Pseudouridine, the most abundant form of RNA modification, is known to play important roles in ribosome function. Mutations in human DKC1, the pseudouridine synthase responsible for catalyzing the ribosome RNA modification, cause translation deficiencies and are associated with a complex cancer predisposition. The structural basis for how pseudouridine impacts ribosome function remains uncharacterized. Here, we characterized structures and conformations of a fully modified and a pseudouridine-free ribosome from Saccharomyces cerevisiae in the absence of ligands or when bound with translocation inhibitor cycloheximide by electron cryomicroscopy. In the modified ribosome, the rearranged N1 atom of pseudouridine is observed to stabilize key functional motifs by establishing predominately water-mediated close contacts with the phosphate backbone. The pseudouridine-free ribosome, however, is devoid of such interactions and displays conformations reflective of abnormal inter-subunit movements. The erroneous motions of the pseudouridine-free ribosome may explain its observed deficiencies in translation.

Articles - 7n8b mentioned but not cited (2)

  1. CryoEM structures of pseudouridine-free ribosome suggest impacts of chemical modifications on ribosome conformations. Zhao Y, Rai J, Yu H, Li H. Structure 30 983-992.e5 (2022)
  2. Ab initio calculations on structure and stability of BN/CC isosterism in azulene. Abdel-Rahman MA, Soliman KA, Abdel-Azeim S, El-Nahas AM, Taketsugu T, Nakajima T, El-Meligy AB. Sci Rep 13 10260 (2023)

Reviews citing this publication (1)

  1. How does precursor RNA structure influence RNA processing and gene expression? Herbert A, Hatfield A, Lackey L. Biosci Rep 43 BSR20220149 (2023)

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