Function and Biology

Crystal structure of ZAD-domain of M1BP protein from D.melanogaster

Source organism: Drosophila melanogaster
Biochemical function: zinc ion binding
Biological process: not assigned
Cellular component: nucleus

GO terms

Biochemical function:
Biological process:
  • not assigned
Cellular component:

Sequence family

Pfam Protein family (Pfam)
Domain description: Zinc-finger associated domain (zf-AD)
Occurring in:
  1. LD30467p
The deposited structure of PDB entry 7po9 contains 2 copies of Pfam domain PF07776 (Zinc-finger associated domain (zf-AD)  ) in LD30467p. Showing 1 copy in chain A.

InterPro InterPro annotation
Domain description: Zinc finger, AD-type
Occurring in:
  1. LD30467p