7su1 Citations

Improved therapeutic index of an acidic pH-selective antibody.


Although therapeutically efficacious, ipilimumab can exhibit dose-limiting toxicity that prevents maximal efficacious clinical outcomes and can lead to discontinuation of treatment. We hypothesized that an acidic pH-selective ipilimumab (pH Ipi), which preferentially and reversibly targets the acidic tumor microenvironment over the neutral periphery, may have a more favorable therapeutic index. While ipilimumab has pH-independent CTLA-4 affinity, pH Ipi variants have been engineered to have up to 50-fold enhanced affinity to CTLA-4 at pH 6.0 compared to pH 7.4. In hCTLA-4 knock-in mice, these variants have maintained anti-tumor activity and reduced peripheral activation, a surrogate marker for toxicity. pH-sensitive therapeutic antibodies may be a differentiating paradigm and a novel modality for enhanced tumor targeting and improved safety profiles.

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  2. Tumor acidity: From hallmark of cancer to target of treatment. Bogdanov A, Bogdanov A, Chubenko V, Volkov N, Moiseenko F, Moiseyenko V. Front Oncol 12 979154 (2022)
  3. Metabolic adaptations of cancer in extreme tumor microenvironments. Nakahara R, Maeda K, Aki S, Osawa T. Cancer Sci 114 1200-1207 (2023)
  4. Conditionally Active, pH-Sensitive Immunoregulatory Antibodies Targeting VISTA and CTLA-4 Lead an Emerging Class of Cancer Therapeutics. Smith FD, Pierce RH, Thisted T, van der Horst EH. Antibodies (Basel) 12 55 (2023)

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  1. Comparative Performance of High-Throughput Methods for Protein pKa Predictions. Wei W, Hogues H, Sulea T. J Chem Inf Model 63 5169-5181 (2023)