7vwc Citations

Structural basis of substrate recognition and translocation by human very long-chain fatty acid transporter ABCD1.

OpenAccess logo Nat Commun 13 3299 (2022)
Related entries: 7vx8, 7vzb

Cited: 7 times
EuropePMC logo PMID: 35676282


Human ABC transporter ABCD1 transports very long-chain fatty acids from cytosol to peroxisome for β-oxidation, dysfunction of which usually causes the X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy (X-ALD). Here, we report three cryogenic electron microscopy structures of ABCD1: the apo-form, substrate- and ATP-bound forms. Distinct from what was seen in the previously reported ABC transporters, the two symmetric molecules of behenoyl coenzyme A (C22:0-CoA) cooperatively bind to the transmembrane domains (TMDs). For each C22:0-CoA, the hydrophilic 3'-phospho-ADP moiety of CoA portion inserts into one TMD, with the succeeding pantothenate and cysteamine moiety crossing the inter-domain cavity, whereas the hydrophobic fatty acyl chain extends to the opposite TMD. Structural analysis combined with biochemical assays illustrates snapshots of ABCD1-mediated substrate transport cycle. It advances our understanding on the selective oxidation of fatty acids and molecular pathology of X-ALD.

Reviews citing this publication (2)

  1. The peroxisome: an update on mysteries 3.0. Kumar R, Islinger M, Worthy H, Carmichael R, Schrader M. Histochem Cell Biol 161 99-132 (2024)
  2. The Physiological and Pathological Role of Acyl-CoA Oxidation. Szrok-Jurga S, Czumaj A, Turyn J, Hebanowska A, Swierczynski J, Sledzinski T, Stelmanska E. Int J Mol Sci 24 14857 (2023)

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