EC Microbial collagenase
Reaction catalysed:
Digestion of native collagen in the triple helical region at -|-Gly bonds. With synthetic peptides, a preference is shown for Gly at P3 and P1', Pro and Ala at P2 and P2', and hydroxyproline, Ala or Arg at P3'.
Systematic name:
Alternative Name(s):
- Achromobacter iophagus collagenase
- Aspergillopeptidase C
- Azocollase
- Clostridiopeptidase A
- Clostridiopeptidase I
- Clostridiopeptidase II
- Clostridium histolyticum collagenase
- Clostridium histolyticum proteinase A
- Collagen peptidase
- Collagen protease
- Collagenase
- Collagenase A
- Collagenase I
- Collagenase MMP-1
- Interstitial collagenase
- Kollaza
- MMP-1
- MMP-8
- Matirx metalloproteinase-18
- Matrix metalloproteinase-1
- Matrix metalloproteinase-8
- Metallocollagenase
- Metalloproteinase-1
- Nucleolysin
- Soycollagestin