8bii Citations

A set of closely related methyltransferases for site-specific tailoring of anthraquinone pigments.


Modification of the polyketide anthraquinone AQ-256 in the entomopathogenic Photorhabdus luminescens involves several O-methylations, but the biosynthetic gene cluster antA-I lacks corresponding tailoring enzymes. We here describe the identification of five putative, highly homologous O-methyltransferases encoded in the genome of P. luminescens. Activity assays in vitro and deletion experiments in vivo revealed that three of them account for anthraquinone tailoring by producing three monomethylated and two dimethylated species of AQ-256. X-ray structures of all five enzymes indicate high structural and mechanistic similarity. As confirmed by structure-based mutagenesis, a conserved histidine at the active site likely functions as a general base for substrate deprotonation and subsequent methyl transfer in all enzymes. Eight complex structures with AQ-256 as well as mono- and dimethylated derivatives confirm the substrate specificity patterns found in vitro and visualize how single amino acid differences in the active-site pockets impact substrate orientation and govern site-specific methylation.

Reviews - 8bii mentioned but not cited (1)

  1. Recent advances in musculoskeletal local drug delivery. Zhang S, Xing M, Li B. Acta Biomater 93 135-151 (2019)

Articles - 8bii mentioned but not cited (3)

  1. Relative Contributions of Various Cellular Mechanisms to Loss of Algae during Cnidarian Bleaching. Bieri T, Onishi M, Xiang T, Grossman AR, Pringle JR. PLoS One 11 e0152693 (2016)
  2. Functional characterization of bovine viral diarrhea virus nonstructural protein 5A by reverse genetic analysis and live cell imaging. Isken O, Langerwisch U, Schönherr R, Lamp B, Schröder K, Duden R, Rümenapf TH, Tautz N. J Virol 88 82-98 (2014)
  3. Transforming growth factor-beta1 regulates fibronectin isoform expression and splicing factor SRp40 expression during ATDC5 chondrogenic maturation. Han F, Gilbert JR, Harrison G, Adams CS, Freeman T, Tao Z, Zaka R, Liang H, Williams C, Tuan RS, Norton PA, Hickok NJ. Exp Cell Res 313 1518-1532 (2007)