8d9d Citations

Structures of human primosome elongation complexes.


The synthesis of RNA-DNA primer by primosome requires coordination between primase and DNA polymerase α subunits, which is accompanied by unknown architectural rearrangements of multiple domains. Using cryogenic electron microscopy, we solved a 3.6 Å human primosome structure caught at an early stage of RNA primer elongation with deoxynucleotides. The structure confirms a long-standing role of primase large subunit and reveals new insights into how primosome is limited to synthesizing short RNA-DNA primers.

Articles - 8d9d mentioned but not cited (2)

  1. Structures of human primosome elongation complexes. He Q, Baranovskiy AG, Morstadt LM, Lisova AE, Babayeva ND, Lusk BL, Lim CJ, Tahirov TH. Nat Struct Mol Biol 30 579-583 (2023)
  2. research-article Flexibility and distributive synthesis regulate RNA priming and handoff in human DNA polymerase α-primase. Cordoba JJ, Mullins EA, Salay LE, Eichman BF, Chazin WJ. bioRxiv 2023.08.01.551538 (2023)

Reviews citing this publication (2)

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  1. How Pol α-primase is targeted to replisomes to prime eukaryotic DNA replication. Jones ML, Aria V, Baris Y, Yeeles JTP. Mol Cell 83 2911-2924.e16 (2023)
  2. Molecular choreography of primer synthesis by the eukaryotic Pol α-primase. Yuan Z, Georgescu R, Li H, O'Donnell ME. Nat Commun 14 3697 (2023)
  3. Flexibility and Distributive Synthesis Regulate RNA Priming and Handoff in Human DNA Polymerase α-Primase. Cordoba JJ, Mullins EA, Salay LE, Eichman BF, Chazin WJ. J Mol Biol 435 168330 (2023)
  4. A mechanistic model of primer synthesis from catalytic structures of DNA polymerase α-primase. Mullins EA, Salay LE, Durie CL, Bradley NP, Jackman JE, Ohi MD, Chazin WJ, Eichman BF. Nat Struct Mol Biol 31 777-790 (2024)
  5. Primase and polymerase α tango to make an RNA-DNA hybrid primer. Yuan Z, Li H. FEBS J 291 1889-1891 (2024)